Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A BIG Thank You to everyone!
This entry is to thank everyone who has in one way or another helped us along the way in the preparation of our big day and also to those who had blessed us in many ways. THANK YOU!
I would like to specially thank the following people:
Our 5 sisters namely Adelene, Lizhen, Lisi, Wanbin & Mavis - Thanks for waking up early and helping out throughout our big day.
Adelene, Lizhen, Vanessa & Wanbin - The 10 promises you did was amazing and I love it! Thank you gals! *muackz*
Mavis - Thanks for helping with the Ang Pow Box, sisters' corsages and helping to put up the big roses for my 2nd march in. Thanks for making me beautiful. *hugz*
Adelene & Lida - Thanks for being our MCs. You both are great!
Our 5 brothers namely Chin Kang, Kia Hiang, Hua Yong, Guohui & Jeremy - Thanks for waking up early to prepare for the "battle" and for being so spontaneous. Thanks for carrying all our stuff esp our suits and gowns, photo albums etc etc.
Guohui - Thanks for lending us your car to return the wedding stuffs!
Merz - Thanks for preparing the sumptuous lunch. It was delicious. :)
Lili - Thanks for doing the childhood montage. It was very nicely done.
Robin - Thanks for capturing all the nice photos for many years of memories to come.
Jacky - Hmm... what should I say? Thanks for asking me to say silly things in front of the videocam and for all of us to carry out your instructions. However, it was fun. =p
Jessie of Sattine - Thanks for making me pretty that day. Your make up skills is really superb. You can do it within such a short span of time.
Mandy of Sattine - Thanks for being a great coordinator and for looking into every single details. Btw, the MTM evening gown was beautifully done and a lot of people sang praises of it. Thks for the great job! :)
Eugene & Jason of M Hotel: Thanks for treating us like prince & princess that day. I must commend that your service was excellent and thanks for ensuring that everything went smoothly.
Kristin & Martin - Thanks for the lovely Precious Moments snow globe that was couriered to us. It came as a surprise. What can I say? It's beautiful and we love it.
Hong - Surprise to see your name here? Thanks for the lovely Mickey and Minnie photo holder that you brought all the way from Hong Kong. It's so thoughtful of you and we appreciate it.
Everyone: Thanks to those who attended our wedding. We hoped you had enjoyed yourselves as much as we do.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The Big Day
12.50am -- My parents and my aunt were on standby to 上头 for me. Jer's 上头 will be at 1.30am. I sat in front of the prayers table while my father combed my hair trice as my mum chanted the prayers. Next, I offered water in place of tea to my parents and my aunt.
1.10am -- I was lying on bed and called Jer. Jer was still waiting for her turn. Jer informed me that Vanessa (one of the sisters) will not be able to come as she's having sore eyes so she'll have 5 instead of 6 sisters. After I hung up the call, I was fast asleep from the medicine I had taken for the whole day.
7.00am -- I woke up and sent an sms to all my brothers. My cousin was already at my house even though the arranged time to be at my house was at 8am. I got up and dressed up to the nines. It's my big day after all haha!
8.10am -- While I was inside my room, I heard a familiar voice at the main door of my house. I went out and got a surprise. Adelene was at my doorsteps looking for Jer haa! But when she saw me, she was surprised and realised her mistake immediately. I told her the way to Jer's house and she hurried away. Cya later Adelene ;)
8.30am -- My brothers had all arrived and we were all ready for the battle ahead. Jer's brother suddenly called me and asked me to delay my arrival time as he was just going to pick up his nephew from Bt Panjang. Oh well, I changed my driving route and made a big round to Choa Chu Kang and back to Jer's house.
9.05am -- We reached Jer's house and started blasting the horns! At the same time, I saw Jer's brother with his sister-in-law and nephew alighting from their car. So my timing was just right haha! Jer's nephew opened my bridal car's door and he offered me 2 oranges while I gave him a red packet in return. The photographer (Robin) & videographer (Jacky) were there to take their best shots. With a war cry, we charged up to Jer's house! Chargeeee!
9.10am -- The sisters were all waiting impatiently at the door. They did not waste any time to demand for the red packet. Seeing that time was tight, I gave them the 1st red packet from the 4 I had prepared yesterday. They took a look at the money within and served us a plate of bitter gourd. Everyone took a piece and Huayong showed us his secret weapon! He had bought a bottle of honey before we set off to Jer's house and that came in handy for them. I continued to eat without applying any honey as it was not as bitter as I thought it would be. The sisters demanded for additional red packet again and this time I asked them to choose 1 from the 3 in my hand. They were kinda lost as to which to choose and someone decided to take the center 1. I passed them the red packet willingly and they got a nasty surprise! They had chosen my Warrant Card and Lizhen was kindda mad. Everyone outside laughed haha! Next, Adelene asked us to do Yoga postures. Well, I didn't join True Yoga for fun and did it without any difficulties except that my suit was restraining my movement. My brothers did theirs leaning on the wall and Lizhen began to count from 1 to 10 slowly. The sisters took out some papers and asked us to sing "今天我要嫁给你". Almost everyone was lost as we did not know how to sing the song. Fortunately, Chin Kang knew how to sing and everyone followed his lead. I remembered hearing the song before when we reached the chorus and began to sing loudly.
After that, the sisters were back to their routine for the red packet. Looking at the time, I passed the remaining 2 red packet to my brothers and asked them to combine them into 1. Huayong then passed me the red packet and I gave it to the sisters. They were not satisfied and asked for more. Huayong took out the other red packet and I checked it. There was still $50 inside. Huayong had actually taken 1 of the $50 notes and put it in the earlier red packet and reserved the last red packet. Thanks to Huayong for his fast thinking that saved the day! The sisters finally opened the door after receiving the last red packet. Mission cleared! Yeah!
9.30am -- We entered into Jer's house and the door to Jer's room was locked. There was a heart-shaped thingy hanging on the door knob. The sisters forced me to kneel down and opened the thingy. It was a list of 10 promises and I was told to recite them loudly before the door would open for me. I did what was asked of me and Mavis, who was inside the room, opened the door for me. Jer was seated on the bed with the veil covering her face. I went in and kneel in front of Jer and presented to her the flowers. Jer accepted the flowers and I removed the veil We kissed and we went out of her room. We performed some marriage rituals and took some photos on the way out.
09.50am -- We went to our bridal car and Jer's mother whispered some good wishes to her ear. While we were moving off, Jer threw a fan out from her car window. According to Chinese custom, this symbolises that all the bad things would be thrown away. We made all our way back to my house.
09.55am -- We were almost late to arrive at my house and we made a dash for it. We managed to reach home in time and began another round of marriage rituals. We offered tea to my parents and relatives and took some family photos together. My fifth uncle had told my mother that he would be unable to attend the tea ceremony but he came. Our brothers and sisters had some light refreshments at my house. Lizhen commented that we (brothers) came late for the gate crashing. I explained to her what had actually happened and at the same time, I got back my Warrant Card haa!
10.30am -- We went to the ground floor garden to take some photos. My brothers were tasked by Jacky to throw me in the air several times and they were all drained from doing so. Jacky told me to carry Jer and to spin with her and he kept telling me to spin until both Jer and I were giddy. I put Jer down despite what he said. My uncle's wife came with my cousin and we took some photos together. I guessed she was here for the tea ceremony but was late. Oh well, guess we can do it on Chinese New Year. Next, Jer began the flowers tossing ceremony. No one managed to catch the flowers the first time. So Jer tossed it again and Mavis got the flowers. But the flowers were slightly broken from the throws.
10.40am -- Everyone went to our new house. My cousin was tasked by me to open the door for us and we took our time to go up. When we reached our house, the door was slightly ajar and I didn't see my cousin. Maybe he's in the toilet.. We proceeded to the master bedroom to light up the bedside lights. After that, Jacky asked me to carry Jer again and spinned around near the bed. I was tired from all that spinning and stopped after spinning for 3 rounds. We took some photos on the bed. Jacky asked me to remove Jer's veil and to swing it around her head trice followed by a shout of "huat". I did as I was told but I got "NG" at the shouting haha.. I redo again and finally passed it. Jer's brother came with Jer's sister-in-law and 2 nephews. Jer's older nephew was supposed to jump on or roll on our bed which symbolised the continuation of the next generation for us. But he got shy and didn't do as he was told. Jer wanted to change into her tea dress and I went outside to serve drinks to everyone. Mavis was there playing with the musical snow globe Kristin had given to us and she asked Robin and Jacky to take pictures and video of it. I tried looking for my cousin but no 1 had seen him. I called him and he told me that he was not feeling well and had passed my house keys to the bridal car driver. I asked Kia Hiang to help me to get the keys from the driver and went back to the master bedroom. Jer was ready and her nephews were jumping on the bed already. I gave both of them a red packet each and we left for Jer's house.
11.20am -- We arrived at Jer's house. The buffet outside Jer's house was solely prepared by Jer's cousin's wife and the spread looked splendid! We went into Jer's house and offered tea to Jer's relatives. Jer told me that she did not expect to see so many of her relatives especially her cousin, Sharon who had just returned from Australia and she was very happy. We helped ourselves at the buffet and the food was really superb. However, I did not eat much as I was still going through the wedding program sheet to ensure that everything runs smoothly and not forgetting about the things we have to bring to the hotel.
1.15pm -- We loaded everything we needed for the dinner into the bridal car, Jeremy's car and Guohui's car. Jeremy and Mavis would follow us to the hotel while Guohui would come in the evening. I gave Eugene a call and informed him of our estimated arrival time so that he could process an express check-in for us.
1.45pm -- We reached M Hotel. Eugene was waiting there with another manager and a bellboy. We went up to the president suite on the 29th floor and the room was very posh, beautifully and romantically decorated for us. There were some chocolates on the dining table and I took 1 though I still have my sore throat. It was simply delicious haha! The bellman came up shortly with the luggage. I counted the big items and gave a red packet to the bellboy to reward him for helping us with the luggage. Mavis took some photos with Jer within the room while I went to unpack the luggage. I couldn't find my camera which was placed inside a paper bag in Jeremy's car and I called Jeremy to help me check. I doubt the bellboy could have taken it... After Mavis was satisfied with her phoot shoot with Jer, she went to the coordinator's room at 19th floor. I took a short nap and Jer went to wash up.
4.30pm -- The door bell rang and it was room service with our sandwiches prepared for us before the dinner. We had our share and started to prepare for the solemnisation at 6.45pm.
5.00pm -- Wanbin came up to our room but Jer was having a shower. So I asked her to go to the coordinator's room as I was also preparing myself. Huayong, Chin Kang, Guohui and Kia Hiang came shortly and we went down to the ballroom to run through the wedding dinner programme.
5.30pm -- The banquet manager Jason was there and I told him what I had planned for the dinner. Kia Hiang was the IC for the AV and he was to liaise with Jason on anything if I am not around. Next we went to B1 Shenton Room to check on the preparation for the solemnisation. Everything was almost ready and we went back to my hotel room.
6.00pm -- Jer's family and mine were all inside my room when we went up. I quickly dressed up and assigned my 4 brothers to prepare the stuff needed for the solemnisation and banquet reception. Jer's make-up artist, Jessie, was busy dolling up Jer. I waited for her to style my hair as she had done a great job for me during the photo shoot. After she had styled my hair, I did not quite like the style though. I could have done better if I had done it myself sigh.. Nevertheless, she continued on Jer. Everyone went down to the Shenton Room while I waited for Jer.
6.30pm -- Kia Hiang called me and told me that the solemniser, Ms Ong, had arrived. I asked him to assist me to attend to her as I was still waiting for Jessie to complete.
6.45pm -- We rushed down to the Shenton Room and everyone was there waiting for us. Some of Jer's friends were also there. Without further delay, we started the solemnisation ceremony. We did not panic and answered Ms Ong's questions at the right time. My father and Jer's mother signed on the ROM certificate and Ms Ong signed her name as well. Finally, the crucial moment came! I held onto Jer's left hand and picked up her ring. I looked at Jer and said, "In token and pledge of our constant faith and undying love, with this ring, I marry you". I slipped the ring onto Jer's ring finger. Jer did the same. All these seem to be like a dream. Ms Ong then announced to everyone that Jer and me are now husband and wife. We took some photos with Ms Ong and our family and friends. I asked Kia Hiang to see Ms Ong out of the Shenton Room. Suddenly, Jer reminded me that I had forgotten to give the red packet to Ms Ong. I ran after her and gave her the red packet. I thanked her again before bidding her goodbyes. Thanks 老婆 for reminding me!
7.00pm -- The sisters took up their positions at the reception table. The 3-in-1 portrait was placed on the easel stand and the photo album was placed nearby. Some of our family and friends arrived and Jer and I attended to them. My brothers were there to assist me with the logistics and updated me on the things that were still pending by the hotel side. I juggled on the two roles while Jer was enjoying herself and taking photos as her friends arrived.
7.45pm -- Most of our relatives and friends had arrived. Jason told me that the guests could enter the ballroom to be seated. My brothers assist me to usher the guests in. I had thought of starting the dinner exactly at 8pm but my father requested to wait slightly longer for my uncle to arrive.
8.15pm -- Everyone was inside the ballroom and the express highlights video was playing on the projector. Jer and I were waiting outside the room for the 1st march-in. From outside, we could hear the video and of course, the laughter from our guests. Jacky had used the same style in doing our video even though we had requested him to change. Oh well, what's done cannot be undone.
8.25pm -- The video ended and our emcees Lida and Adelene announced our first march-in. The music started playing and the hotel staff started the bubbles machine. The door opened and we walked into the ballroom. Everyone was standing and clapping for us. We went up the stage and began the cake cutting ceremony. Thereafter, we went down the stage and sat at our table. The first dish, The Cold Dish, was served. We tried the food and it was good. The second dish, The Shark Fins Soup, came and it was loaded with visible shark fins! All the complainings during the food tasting really worked! My father was very pleased with the food unlike during the food tasting.
8.45pm -- Jason told us to prepare for the 2nd march-in. Mavis tagged along to help Jer with her evening gown. I changed into my evening suit and Jer had a new hairstyle with the help from Mavis. Mavis actually used the real big red roses in the room to decorate Jer's hair.
9.05pm -- We went down to the ballroom and waited for our 2nd march-in. The photo montage done by Jer's colleague, Lili, was playing. After it had finished playing, our emcees announced our 2nd march-in into the ballroom. We re-entered the ballroom and were overwhelmed by the clapping from everyone. We went up the stage again and I was asked to pop open a bottle of champagne. This was my first time doing it and I followed what Jason had taught me earlier and it was a breeze. We began to pour the champagne on the tower of glasses. After emptying the bottle, Jason served 2 glasses of champagne to us and we interlocked our arms to drink our 绞杯酒. We finished our champagne in a mouth and we were served another 2 glasses. Our family and friends were invited on stage for the toasting ceremony. Jer's brother was worried as apart from my family, only Chin Kang, Huayong, Kia Hiang and Guohui came up to toast. I assured him that they can do it and so it began. The 3 toasts of "yum seng" were very deafening as Jer's brother and my brothers shouted as loud as they could. After toasting, our family and friends went back to their seats. Our next critical moment was here! I took over the mic and began to say my thank you speech from my heart. The fear I had outside the ballroom was no longer there and I added some words to my memorised speech. When I was done, Jer took my mic and started her thank you speech. Surprisingly, we were very calm and did not have any stage fright as we would had expected and finished our speeches smoothly. Phew!
9.20pm -- We went down the stage and began taking photos with all the tables. My 4 brothers assisted me to arrange the tables. Thanks bros! Along the way, we spotted a few glasses of "special" concocted drinks but we managed to escape without downing any of those. Lucky!
10.00pm -- After the last table of photo-taking, we exited the ballroom and headed straight into the first door to go back to our tables. We had a bit of the dessert, "Yam Paste with Ginko Nuts", before we went to the exit of the ballroom to thank the guests. We finished everything earlier than expected and slowly the guests started to come out of the ballroom. We shook hands with everyone and Zhao Guang came to me with a glass of hard liquor. I had a slip and he went back satisfied. I saw Guohui and Huayong each drinking a glass of those "special" concocted drinks on behalf of me. Thanks again hee! Some of our guests stayed behind and we all took some photos together at the reception table.
10.30pm -- Everyone left and we decided to take some photos at the stairway of the hotel. I took the chance to display the rear of Jer's beautiful evening gown.
10.40pm -- We went up to our room and saw Jer's mother and Pauline with her daughter. Jer's brother had gone to send his in-laws home while they waited for him in our room. I played the express highlights video in the room as Jer and I had not seen it yet. Jer's brother returned and fetched them back. I had borrowed Guohui's car to return Sattine's suits and gowns tomorrow as he does not wish to drink and drive. Thanks for lending me your car Guohui!
After a long and tiring but happy day, we are finally husband and wife! :)
1.10am -- I was lying on bed and called Jer. Jer was still waiting for her turn. Jer informed me that Vanessa (one of the sisters) will not be able to come as she's having sore eyes so she'll have 5 instead of 6 sisters. After I hung up the call, I was fast asleep from the medicine I had taken for the whole day.
7.00am -- I woke up and sent an sms to all my brothers. My cousin was already at my house even though the arranged time to be at my house was at 8am. I got up and dressed up to the nines. It's my big day after all haha!
8.10am -- While I was inside my room, I heard a familiar voice at the main door of my house. I went out and got a surprise. Adelene was at my doorsteps looking for Jer haa! But when she saw me, she was surprised and realised her mistake immediately. I told her the way to Jer's house and she hurried away. Cya later Adelene ;)
8.30am -- My brothers had all arrived and we were all ready for the battle ahead. Jer's brother suddenly called me and asked me to delay my arrival time as he was just going to pick up his nephew from Bt Panjang. Oh well, I changed my driving route and made a big round to Choa Chu Kang and back to Jer's house.
9.05am -- We reached Jer's house and started blasting the horns! At the same time, I saw Jer's brother with his sister-in-law and nephew alighting from their car. So my timing was just right haha! Jer's nephew opened my bridal car's door and he offered me 2 oranges while I gave him a red packet in return. The photographer (Robin) & videographer (Jacky) were there to take their best shots. With a war cry, we charged up to Jer's house! Chargeeee!
9.10am -- The sisters were all waiting impatiently at the door. They did not waste any time to demand for the red packet. Seeing that time was tight, I gave them the 1st red packet from the 4 I had prepared yesterday. They took a look at the money within and served us a plate of bitter gourd. Everyone took a piece and Huayong showed us his secret weapon! He had bought a bottle of honey before we set off to Jer's house and that came in handy for them. I continued to eat without applying any honey as it was not as bitter as I thought it would be. The sisters demanded for additional red packet again and this time I asked them to choose 1 from the 3 in my hand. They were kinda lost as to which to choose and someone decided to take the center 1. I passed them the red packet willingly and they got a nasty surprise! They had chosen my Warrant Card and Lizhen was kindda mad. Everyone outside laughed haha! Next, Adelene asked us to do Yoga postures. Well, I didn't join True Yoga for fun and did it without any difficulties except that my suit was restraining my movement. My brothers did theirs leaning on the wall and Lizhen began to count from 1 to 10 slowly. The sisters took out some papers and asked us to sing "今天我要嫁给你". Almost everyone was lost as we did not know how to sing the song. Fortunately, Chin Kang knew how to sing and everyone followed his lead. I remembered hearing the song before when we reached the chorus and began to sing loudly.
After that, the sisters were back to their routine for the red packet. Looking at the time, I passed the remaining 2 red packet to my brothers and asked them to combine them into 1. Huayong then passed me the red packet and I gave it to the sisters. They were not satisfied and asked for more. Huayong took out the other red packet and I checked it. There was still $50 inside. Huayong had actually taken 1 of the $50 notes and put it in the earlier red packet and reserved the last red packet. Thanks to Huayong for his fast thinking that saved the day! The sisters finally opened the door after receiving the last red packet. Mission cleared! Yeah!
9.30am -- We entered into Jer's house and the door to Jer's room was locked. There was a heart-shaped thingy hanging on the door knob. The sisters forced me to kneel down and opened the thingy. It was a list of 10 promises and I was told to recite them loudly before the door would open for me. I did what was asked of me and Mavis, who was inside the room, opened the door for me. Jer was seated on the bed with the veil covering her face. I went in and kneel in front of Jer and presented to her the flowers. Jer accepted the flowers and I removed the veil We kissed and we went out of her room. We performed some marriage rituals and took some photos on the way out.
09.50am -- We went to our bridal car and Jer's mother whispered some good wishes to her ear. While we were moving off, Jer threw a fan out from her car window. According to Chinese custom, this symbolises that all the bad things would be thrown away. We made all our way back to my house.
09.55am -- We were almost late to arrive at my house and we made a dash for it. We managed to reach home in time and began another round of marriage rituals. We offered tea to my parents and relatives and took some family photos together. My fifth uncle had told my mother that he would be unable to attend the tea ceremony but he came. Our brothers and sisters had some light refreshments at my house. Lizhen commented that we (brothers) came late for the gate crashing. I explained to her what had actually happened and at the same time, I got back my Warrant Card haa!
10.30am -- We went to the ground floor garden to take some photos. My brothers were tasked by Jacky to throw me in the air several times and they were all drained from doing so. Jacky told me to carry Jer and to spin with her and he kept telling me to spin until both Jer and I were giddy. I put Jer down despite what he said. My uncle's wife came with my cousin and we took some photos together. I guessed she was here for the tea ceremony but was late. Oh well, guess we can do it on Chinese New Year. Next, Jer began the flowers tossing ceremony. No one managed to catch the flowers the first time. So Jer tossed it again and Mavis got the flowers. But the flowers were slightly broken from the throws.
10.40am -- Everyone went to our new house. My cousin was tasked by me to open the door for us and we took our time to go up. When we reached our house, the door was slightly ajar and I didn't see my cousin. Maybe he's in the toilet.. We proceeded to the master bedroom to light up the bedside lights. After that, Jacky asked me to carry Jer again and spinned around near the bed. I was tired from all that spinning and stopped after spinning for 3 rounds. We took some photos on the bed. Jacky asked me to remove Jer's veil and to swing it around her head trice followed by a shout of "huat". I did as I was told but I got "NG" at the shouting haha.. I redo again and finally passed it. Jer's brother came with Jer's sister-in-law and 2 nephews. Jer's older nephew was supposed to jump on or roll on our bed which symbolised the continuation of the next generation for us. But he got shy and didn't do as he was told. Jer wanted to change into her tea dress and I went outside to serve drinks to everyone. Mavis was there playing with the musical snow globe Kristin had given to us and she asked Robin and Jacky to take pictures and video of it. I tried looking for my cousin but no 1 had seen him. I called him and he told me that he was not feeling well and had passed my house keys to the bridal car driver. I asked Kia Hiang to help me to get the keys from the driver and went back to the master bedroom. Jer was ready and her nephews were jumping on the bed already. I gave both of them a red packet each and we left for Jer's house.
11.20am -- We arrived at Jer's house. The buffet outside Jer's house was solely prepared by Jer's cousin's wife and the spread looked splendid! We went into Jer's house and offered tea to Jer's relatives. Jer told me that she did not expect to see so many of her relatives especially her cousin, Sharon who had just returned from Australia and she was very happy. We helped ourselves at the buffet and the food was really superb. However, I did not eat much as I was still going through the wedding program sheet to ensure that everything runs smoothly and not forgetting about the things we have to bring to the hotel.
1.15pm -- We loaded everything we needed for the dinner into the bridal car, Jeremy's car and Guohui's car. Jeremy and Mavis would follow us to the hotel while Guohui would come in the evening. I gave Eugene a call and informed him of our estimated arrival time so that he could process an express check-in for us.
1.45pm -- We reached M Hotel. Eugene was waiting there with another manager and a bellboy. We went up to the president suite on the 29th floor and the room was very posh, beautifully and romantically decorated for us. There were some chocolates on the dining table and I took 1 though I still have my sore throat. It was simply delicious haha! The bellman came up shortly with the luggage. I counted the big items and gave a red packet to the bellboy to reward him for helping us with the luggage. Mavis took some photos with Jer within the room while I went to unpack the luggage. I couldn't find my camera which was placed inside a paper bag in Jeremy's car and I called Jeremy to help me check. I doubt the bellboy could have taken it... After Mavis was satisfied with her phoot shoot with Jer, she went to the coordinator's room at 19th floor. I took a short nap and Jer went to wash up.
4.30pm -- The door bell rang and it was room service with our sandwiches prepared for us before the dinner. We had our share and started to prepare for the solemnisation at 6.45pm.
5.00pm -- Wanbin came up to our room but Jer was having a shower. So I asked her to go to the coordinator's room as I was also preparing myself. Huayong, Chin Kang, Guohui and Kia Hiang came shortly and we went down to the ballroom to run through the wedding dinner programme.
5.30pm -- The banquet manager Jason was there and I told him what I had planned for the dinner. Kia Hiang was the IC for the AV and he was to liaise with Jason on anything if I am not around. Next we went to B1 Shenton Room to check on the preparation for the solemnisation. Everything was almost ready and we went back to my hotel room.
6.00pm -- Jer's family and mine were all inside my room when we went up. I quickly dressed up and assigned my 4 brothers to prepare the stuff needed for the solemnisation and banquet reception. Jer's make-up artist, Jessie, was busy dolling up Jer. I waited for her to style my hair as she had done a great job for me during the photo shoot. After she had styled my hair, I did not quite like the style though. I could have done better if I had done it myself sigh.. Nevertheless, she continued on Jer. Everyone went down to the Shenton Room while I waited for Jer.
6.30pm -- Kia Hiang called me and told me that the solemniser, Ms Ong, had arrived. I asked him to assist me to attend to her as I was still waiting for Jessie to complete.
6.45pm -- We rushed down to the Shenton Room and everyone was there waiting for us. Some of Jer's friends were also there. Without further delay, we started the solemnisation ceremony. We did not panic and answered Ms Ong's questions at the right time. My father and Jer's mother signed on the ROM certificate and Ms Ong signed her name as well. Finally, the crucial moment came! I held onto Jer's left hand and picked up her ring. I looked at Jer and said, "In token and pledge of our constant faith and undying love, with this ring, I marry you". I slipped the ring onto Jer's ring finger. Jer did the same. All these seem to be like a dream. Ms Ong then announced to everyone that Jer and me are now husband and wife. We took some photos with Ms Ong and our family and friends. I asked Kia Hiang to see Ms Ong out of the Shenton Room. Suddenly, Jer reminded me that I had forgotten to give the red packet to Ms Ong. I ran after her and gave her the red packet. I thanked her again before bidding her goodbyes. Thanks 老婆 for reminding me!
7.00pm -- The sisters took up their positions at the reception table. The 3-in-1 portrait was placed on the easel stand and the photo album was placed nearby. Some of our family and friends arrived and Jer and I attended to them. My brothers were there to assist me with the logistics and updated me on the things that were still pending by the hotel side. I juggled on the two roles while Jer was enjoying herself and taking photos as her friends arrived.
7.45pm -- Most of our relatives and friends had arrived. Jason told me that the guests could enter the ballroom to be seated. My brothers assist me to usher the guests in. I had thought of starting the dinner exactly at 8pm but my father requested to wait slightly longer for my uncle to arrive.
8.15pm -- Everyone was inside the ballroom and the express highlights video was playing on the projector. Jer and I were waiting outside the room for the 1st march-in. From outside, we could hear the video and of course, the laughter from our guests. Jacky had used the same style in doing our video even though we had requested him to change. Oh well, what's done cannot be undone.
8.25pm -- The video ended and our emcees Lida and Adelene announced our first march-in. The music started playing and the hotel staff started the bubbles machine. The door opened and we walked into the ballroom. Everyone was standing and clapping for us. We went up the stage and began the cake cutting ceremony. Thereafter, we went down the stage and sat at our table. The first dish, The Cold Dish, was served. We tried the food and it was good. The second dish, The Shark Fins Soup, came and it was loaded with visible shark fins! All the complainings during the food tasting really worked! My father was very pleased with the food unlike during the food tasting.
8.45pm -- Jason told us to prepare for the 2nd march-in. Mavis tagged along to help Jer with her evening gown. I changed into my evening suit and Jer had a new hairstyle with the help from Mavis. Mavis actually used the real big red roses in the room to decorate Jer's hair.
9.05pm -- We went down to the ballroom and waited for our 2nd march-in. The photo montage done by Jer's colleague, Lili, was playing. After it had finished playing, our emcees announced our 2nd march-in into the ballroom. We re-entered the ballroom and were overwhelmed by the clapping from everyone. We went up the stage again and I was asked to pop open a bottle of champagne. This was my first time doing it and I followed what Jason had taught me earlier and it was a breeze. We began to pour the champagne on the tower of glasses. After emptying the bottle, Jason served 2 glasses of champagne to us and we interlocked our arms to drink our 绞杯酒. We finished our champagne in a mouth and we were served another 2 glasses. Our family and friends were invited on stage for the toasting ceremony. Jer's brother was worried as apart from my family, only Chin Kang, Huayong, Kia Hiang and Guohui came up to toast. I assured him that they can do it and so it began. The 3 toasts of "yum seng" were very deafening as Jer's brother and my brothers shouted as loud as they could. After toasting, our family and friends went back to their seats. Our next critical moment was here! I took over the mic and began to say my thank you speech from my heart. The fear I had outside the ballroom was no longer there and I added some words to my memorised speech. When I was done, Jer took my mic and started her thank you speech. Surprisingly, we were very calm and did not have any stage fright as we would had expected and finished our speeches smoothly. Phew!
9.20pm -- We went down the stage and began taking photos with all the tables. My 4 brothers assisted me to arrange the tables. Thanks bros! Along the way, we spotted a few glasses of "special" concocted drinks but we managed to escape without downing any of those. Lucky!
10.00pm -- After the last table of photo-taking, we exited the ballroom and headed straight into the first door to go back to our tables. We had a bit of the dessert, "Yam Paste with Ginko Nuts", before we went to the exit of the ballroom to thank the guests. We finished everything earlier than expected and slowly the guests started to come out of the ballroom. We shook hands with everyone and Zhao Guang came to me with a glass of hard liquor. I had a slip and he went back satisfied. I saw Guohui and Huayong each drinking a glass of those "special" concocted drinks on behalf of me. Thanks again hee! Some of our guests stayed behind and we all took some photos together at the reception table.
10.30pm -- Everyone left and we decided to take some photos at the stairway of the hotel. I took the chance to display the rear of Jer's beautiful evening gown.
10.40pm -- We went up to our room and saw Jer's mother and Pauline with her daughter. Jer's brother had gone to send his in-laws home while they waited for him in our room. I played the express highlights video in the room as Jer and I had not seen it yet. Jer's brother returned and fetched them back. I had borrowed Guohui's car to return Sattine's suits and gowns tomorrow as he does not wish to drink and drive. Thanks for lending me your car Guohui!
After a long and tiring but happy day, we are finally husband and wife! :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Collection of Flowers & Suit
When I got up in the morning, I began to clean up my room. After which, I swept and mopped the floor while I wait for my cousin, Desheng, to come to my house. My cousin will also be 1 of my 6 brothers and I have yet to brief him about what he has to do tomorrow.
I waited for him for a few hours and I guess that he could be walking on foot to my house from Bt Panjang again.. When he arrived, I hit jackpot! He had walked to my house and I told him not to do so tomorrow as everything will be time-critical.
After that, we moved my stuff into Jer's brother's car and we set off to perform our errands. First, we went to my new house to put my stuff in the storeroom. Then we went to my sister's house to return her the monitor which I had borrowed from her a month ago. Finally, we went to Sattine to collect my suit and flowers.
I could not find any parking lots along Tg Pagar Rd and I decided to park the car along the road. I asked my cousin to sit inside the car with the engine still running while I collect the things. I returned within 5 mins and he told me that a Cisco officer had just summoned the car... I was shocked and saw the summon slip on the windscreen.
My cousin told me that he had told the officer to wait while he went to call me but the officer was yaya and did not give any time allowance. The officer was not around anymore and it was a $70 fine. This time I am really very pissed off by Cisco! Don't ever let me see your vehicles parking illegally cos the next moment you will receive a present from me!
I went back home and returned the car to Jer's brother. I also informed him about the summon and asked him to pass the letter to me once he has received it. Guess I need to appeal again..
I was having my dinner when I received a call from Mandy. She told me that the staff who had passed me the flowers had forgotten to give me the car ribbons.. After that, she arranged the staff to meet me at Bt Gomback MRT station. I went there and collected the ribbons. I was walking back when I realised that I have not bought hair wax yet.. I went to Prime supermarket and bought a Gatsby Moving Rubber.
As I was walking back home, I suddenly thought of my shirt and tie! I had moved all my shirts to the new house and I had forgotten to borrow Jer's brother's tie. I called Jer and she told me that Mavis was at her house. I told her about the tie and asked Mavis to pass it to me since she was there. Jer informed me that Mavis will be going home and I can meet her at her place.
I went back to the new house to collect my shirt. I made a final check at the bedroom and saw the empty pillow case. Oh I have forgotten to bring my pillow just now.. Luckily, there was a spare pillow in the guest bedroom and I used it as my pillow's replacement for the time being.
I went over to Mavis's house and collected the tie. Mavis also passed me her dad's tie which is very happening. I went home and had my bath. My mum had instructed me to wear a new set of pajamas and a new piece of undergarment after my bath and to wear a pair of new slippers whenever I walk around the house to prepare for "shang tou" The auspicious time for "shang tou" is 1am.. I'm so tired...
I waited for him for a few hours and I guess that he could be walking on foot to my house from Bt Panjang again.. When he arrived, I hit jackpot! He had walked to my house and I told him not to do so tomorrow as everything will be time-critical.
After that, we moved my stuff into Jer's brother's car and we set off to perform our errands. First, we went to my new house to put my stuff in the storeroom. Then we went to my sister's house to return her the monitor which I had borrowed from her a month ago. Finally, we went to Sattine to collect my suit and flowers.
I could not find any parking lots along Tg Pagar Rd and I decided to park the car along the road. I asked my cousin to sit inside the car with the engine still running while I collect the things. I returned within 5 mins and he told me that a Cisco officer had just summoned the car... I was shocked and saw the summon slip on the windscreen.
My cousin told me that he had told the officer to wait while he went to call me but the officer was yaya and did not give any time allowance. The officer was not around anymore and it was a $70 fine. This time I am really very pissed off by Cisco! Don't ever let me see your vehicles parking illegally cos the next moment you will receive a present from me!
I went back home and returned the car to Jer's brother. I also informed him about the summon and asked him to pass the letter to me once he has received it. Guess I need to appeal again..
I was having my dinner when I received a call from Mandy. She told me that the staff who had passed me the flowers had forgotten to give me the car ribbons.. After that, she arranged the staff to meet me at Bt Gomback MRT station. I went there and collected the ribbons. I was walking back when I realised that I have not bought hair wax yet.. I went to Prime supermarket and bought a Gatsby Moving Rubber.
As I was walking back home, I suddenly thought of my shirt and tie! I had moved all my shirts to the new house and I had forgotten to borrow Jer's brother's tie. I called Jer and she told me that Mavis was at her house. I told her about the tie and asked Mavis to pass it to me since she was there. Jer informed me that Mavis will be going home and I can meet her at her place.
I went back to the new house to collect my shirt. I made a final check at the bedroom and saw the empty pillow case. Oh I have forgotten to bring my pillow just now.. Luckily, there was a spare pillow in the guest bedroom and I used it as my pillow's replacement for the time being.
I went over to Mavis's house and collected the tie. Mavis also passed me her dad's tie which is very happening. I went home and had my bath. My mum had instructed me to wear a new set of pajamas and a new piece of undergarment after my bath and to wear a pair of new slippers whenever I walk around the house to prepare for "shang tou" The auspicious time for "shang tou" is 1am.. I'm so tired...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Spring Cleaning & Collection of Gowns & Photos
I went home to Jer's house to meet her to go to our new house together. Jer packed and decorated the house while I vacuumed and mopped the floor. I even washed the 2 toilets for the 1st time since we have taken over the house. The house is finally ready for our big day! But I realised that I had not brought along my pillow to put at the bed as I am still using it at home. I have to bring it by tomorrow or the bed will look weird with only a pillow haha!
By the time we were done, it was already close to 6pm. We went home to wash up and I had my dinner at home. We had borrowed Jer's brother's car to go to Sattine to collect our photo album, Jer's gowns and my suit.
We reached Sattine around 8pm. Mandy asked us to have our dinner and I brought Jer to the nearby coffeeshop. After Jer had her dinner, we went back to Sattine. We were thrilled to see our photo album and the table top photo. Both are very nicely done up! We collected Jer's gown and Mavis's gown but I was asked to come back tomorrow to collect my suit as it was not ready yet..
Oh well, I don't seem to have any choice since I need to return tomorrow to collect the flowers sigh..
By the time we were done, it was already close to 6pm. We went home to wash up and I had my dinner at home. We had borrowed Jer's brother's car to go to Sattine to collect our photo album, Jer's gowns and my suit.
We reached Sattine around 8pm. Mandy asked us to have our dinner and I brought Jer to the nearby coffeeshop. After Jer had her dinner, we went back to Sattine. We were thrilled to see our photo album and the table top photo. Both are very nicely done up! We collected Jer's gown and Mavis's gown but I was asked to come back tomorrow to collect my suit as it was not ready yet..
Oh well, I don't seem to have any choice since I need to return tomorrow to collect the flowers sigh..
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Brothers' Discussion
I woke up with a bad sore throat. I had tried to battle it with bottles of herbal tea for the past few days but in vain. So I decided to visit the doctor. Surprisingly, there was no one else at the clinic. I told the doctor that I need to recover fast as I am getting married and will be going for honeymoon. The doctor understood my predicament and prescribed antibiotics and some other medicines to me. Thanks doc! I went home but I did not rest even though I took 2 medicines which will make me drowsy.. I do not have the luxury to rest cos I still have plenty of stuff to settle before the big day sigh..
In the evening, I went over to Huayong's house. The guys were having a potluck session to celebrate post X'mas and the coming of the New Year. But I did not join in as I need to take care of my body. After the guys had their fill, I started the discussion proper.
I went through the program sheet and told my brothers (Huayong, Chin Kang, Kia Hiang and Guohui) the important things to take note of. Kia Hiang was assigned the person-in-charge of them as he has experience in running events. Furthermore, my big day is his birthday as well haha! After I was done with everything, Daniel offered to send me back since he was going back too.
I gladly took the ride back. I went to Jer's house and we discussed on the final preparation for our big day. Tomorrow, we will be cleaning up the new house since we will not be able see each other on Friday (as according to Chinese custom).
In the evening, I went over to Huayong's house. The guys were having a potluck session to celebrate post X'mas and the coming of the New Year. But I did not join in as I need to take care of my body. After the guys had their fill, I started the discussion proper.
I went through the program sheet and told my brothers (Huayong, Chin Kang, Kia Hiang and Guohui) the important things to take note of. Kia Hiang was assigned the person-in-charge of them as he has experience in running events. Furthermore, my big day is his birthday as well haha! After I was done with everything, Daniel offered to send me back since he was going back too.
I gladly took the ride back. I went to Jer's house and we discussed on the final preparation for our big day. Tomorrow, we will be cleaning up the new house since we will not be able see each other on Friday (as according to Chinese custom).
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
ROM Verification
I went to United Square @ Novena to collect some free gifts from UOB for Jer. I arrived there just slightly before 1pm and the staff were all about to leave for lunch. I got the gifts and quickly went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to wait for Jer. Today, we will be going to ROM to verify our details at 4pm and Jer had applied for half-day leave.
Jer came and we went to Plaza Singapura to have our lunch. We ate at Cafe Cartel and went to ROM via walking behind Park Mall. I had remembered that ROM is located at Fort Canning Park and we had gone to the Legends via the same route before.
We ended up walking through the entire Fort Canning Park as the ROM is located at the other end.. City Hall is actually nearer sigh... We took a queue number at ROM and waited for our turn. Our turn came and we went over to verify our details. We were also asked to make an oath to declare that we are not married to anyone else and the oath is rather long. It's like we had gone back to secondary school to sit for the oral examination haha!
After that, we went to Funan IT Mall to buy a router for Jer's brother. Next we took the shuttle bus to Suntec City Mall. We shopped at Carrefour to see what we need to buy for our new home but in the end, we bought some clothes pegs haa!
We went back to Jer's home and I helped her to clean up her room. We spent a few hours to clean her room and it looks as if it is newly renovated.
I went home totally exhausted.
Jer came and we went to Plaza Singapura to have our lunch. We ate at Cafe Cartel and went to ROM via walking behind Park Mall. I had remembered that ROM is located at Fort Canning Park and we had gone to the Legends via the same route before.
We ended up walking through the entire Fort Canning Park as the ROM is located at the other end.. City Hall is actually nearer sigh... We took a queue number at ROM and waited for our turn. Our turn came and we went over to verify our details. We were also asked to make an oath to declare that we are not married to anyone else and the oath is rather long. It's like we had gone back to secondary school to sit for the oral examination haha!
After that, we went to Funan IT Mall to buy a router for Jer's brother. Next we took the shuttle bus to Suntec City Mall. We shopped at Carrefour to see what we need to buy for our new home but in the end, we bought some clothes pegs haa!
We went back to Jer's home and I helped her to clean up her room. We spent a few hours to clean her room and it looks as if it is newly renovated.
I went home totally exhausted.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Delivery of Dressing Table & AV Testing
I went over to the new house slightly after 12pm to wait for the delivery of the dressing table. I had ordered it from and it was the most value for money compared to other dressing tables I had seen so far.
I swept the master bedroom floor and went back to do the wedding program sheet and seating plan. While I was in the midst of doing the seating plan, the deliveryman called to tell me that he would be coming between 4 to 6pm, which has totally detour from the original arrangement of between 12 to 4pm.. I asked him to come before 5pm as I have to go to M Hotel in the evening for AV testing.
As I was about to finish on the wedding program sheet and seating plan, the delivery came. It was already 5mins past 5pm. I made a check on the dressing table and everything seems fine to me. So I made the payment and the deliverymen left. I quickly packed up my stuff and went home.
I went home and had a shower. The time was already almost close to 6pm. I was supposed to meet Jer at Tanjong Pagar MRT station and I was about to be late. I quickened my pace and took the MRT. Luckily, I reached there on time. Jer came and we went to M Hotel.
I was about to call Eugene when we saw him walking out of the lift. We called out to him and he told us that another couple had arrived late for their appointment and he needs to attend to them for a while. We ordered drinks at the Tea Bar as we waited for him. Eugene came back shortly and we went through the finalisation of the wedding banquet. After that, we went to level 2 for AV testing. Jer's colleague, Lili, had helped us to create a childhood photo montage. This is my first time viewing it and it was very beautifully and professionally done. We were advised to give the file to the hotel in the format of .wmv or .avi in order for them to run it in their computer.
We went back to Jer's home after that.
I swept the master bedroom floor and went back to do the wedding program sheet and seating plan. While I was in the midst of doing the seating plan, the deliveryman called to tell me that he would be coming between 4 to 6pm, which has totally detour from the original arrangement of between 12 to 4pm.. I asked him to come before 5pm as I have to go to M Hotel in the evening for AV testing.
As I was about to finish on the wedding program sheet and seating plan, the delivery came. It was already 5mins past 5pm. I made a check on the dressing table and everything seems fine to me. So I made the payment and the deliverymen left. I quickly packed up my stuff and went home.
I went home and had a shower. The time was already almost close to 6pm. I was supposed to meet Jer at Tanjong Pagar MRT station and I was about to be late. I quickened my pace and took the MRT. Luckily, I reached there on time. Jer came and we went to M Hotel.
I was about to call Eugene when we saw him walking out of the lift. We called out to him and he told us that another couple had arrived late for their appointment and he needs to attend to them for a while. We ordered drinks at the Tea Bar as we waited for him. Eugene came back shortly and we went through the finalisation of the wedding banquet. After that, we went to level 2 for AV testing. Jer's colleague, Lili, had helped us to create a childhood photo montage. This is my first time viewing it and it was very beautifully and professionally done. We were advised to give the file to the hotel in the format of .wmv or .avi in order for them to run it in their computer.
We went back to Jer's home after that.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Collection of Wedding Gowns & Suit
I woke up and called Jer to check whether she was still sleeping. I was surprised that she had already awaken and was cleaning her house. I washed up and drove Jer's brother's car over to her house.
Jer had packed some clothes and wanted to bring over to the new house. So, we went over with the clothes. We were supposed to be at Sattine at 11am but we were late as usual haa! We reached there at 11.20am and Mandy asked us to go up to try the gowns and suit again. We tried and Mandy told us to wait for her while she made some adjustments.
Feeling thirsty, we decided to get a drink at Tanjong Pagar Plaza but we ended up having lunch at the same time. We went back to Sattine but Mandy was not ready yet. So we continued waiting. We also collected the 3-in-1 photo and it was very nice. However, our photo album was not ready and we have to come back another day to collect. Sigh..
Mandy was very busy and Jing Ying came to help her to serve Jer. Jing Ying managed to resolve the issues of the gowns and ironed the gowns and suit before handing it over to us. We need to come back another day to collect Jer's Tea Dress and my evening suit as they will be used by other people first.
We spent almost 4 hours at Sattine and went to the Robinsons at Raffles City Shopping Centre. We had planned to buy a bag for Jer's mum with our Robinsons vouchers but could not find any nice design. So Jer shopped for her things instead.
Next we went to BHG at Bugis. There again we could not find what we wanted. Jer was very persistent and wanted to go to Orchard to shop. We went to Orchard and we went to Takashimaya, OG, Robinsons, John Little and Metro. At last, we found a bag suitable for Jer's mum at Metro.
We bought the bag and went home. Back at Jer's house, Jer started her spring cleaning again. So I helped her and we managed to clean her entire room. I went home while Jer took her bath.
Gosh we are so tired..
Jer had packed some clothes and wanted to bring over to the new house. So, we went over with the clothes. We were supposed to be at Sattine at 11am but we were late as usual haa! We reached there at 11.20am and Mandy asked us to go up to try the gowns and suit again. We tried and Mandy told us to wait for her while she made some adjustments.
Feeling thirsty, we decided to get a drink at Tanjong Pagar Plaza but we ended up having lunch at the same time. We went back to Sattine but Mandy was not ready yet. So we continued waiting. We also collected the 3-in-1 photo and it was very nice. However, our photo album was not ready and we have to come back another day to collect. Sigh..
Mandy was very busy and Jing Ying came to help her to serve Jer. Jing Ying managed to resolve the issues of the gowns and ironed the gowns and suit before handing it over to us. We need to come back another day to collect Jer's Tea Dress and my evening suit as they will be used by other people first.
We spent almost 4 hours at Sattine and went to the Robinsons at Raffles City Shopping Centre. We had planned to buy a bag for Jer's mum with our Robinsons vouchers but could not find any nice design. So Jer shopped for her things instead.
Next we went to BHG at Bugis. There again we could not find what we wanted. Jer was very persistent and wanted to go to Orchard to shop. We went to Orchard and we went to Takashimaya, OG, Robinsons, John Little and Metro. At last, we found a bag suitable for Jer's mum at Metro.
We bought the bag and went home. Back at Jer's house, Jer started her spring cleaning again. So I helped her and we managed to clean her entire room. I went home while Jer took her bath.
Gosh we are so tired..
Thursday, December 25, 2008
NTUC Shopping Spree
Jer called me twice in the morning to wake me up. She wanted me to send her brother to work so that we could use his car after that. I got up and went over to her house.
I sent her brother to work and drove the car back. We moved some of our belongings to the new house and before we knew it, it was already 1pm. We went to the new NTUC Xtra beside Jurong Point. A few days ago, I had received a mailer from NTUC which is giving a $10 discount for $100 spent at the NTUC Xtra. On top of that, I have $50 worth of NTUC vouchers while Jer has $5. So we will be able to save a total of $65 if we spend more than $100 there.
We reached the NTUC Xtra at around 1.30pm. The building was very crowded with people and most of the restaurants were fully packed with a some people waiting in the queues. We went over to Fig & Olive to have our lunch. After our lunch, we went up to the NTUC Xtra. It was also crowded with people. I had a hard time maneuvering the trolley around and we began our shopping spree.
After 2 hours of shopping, we finally checked out. The total bill was $132.20 and after deducting all the vouchers, we only need to fork out $67.20!! This is close to a 50% discount on all our purchases WOW!
We hurried back to our new home to place our shopping there. I sent Jer home and went home myself as I was rushing for work. I went over to Lot 1 to pass the car back to Jer's brother and went to work.
I sent her brother to work and drove the car back. We moved some of our belongings to the new house and before we knew it, it was already 1pm. We went to the new NTUC Xtra beside Jurong Point. A few days ago, I had received a mailer from NTUC which is giving a $10 discount for $100 spent at the NTUC Xtra. On top of that, I have $50 worth of NTUC vouchers while Jer has $5. So we will be able to save a total of $65 if we spend more than $100 there.
We reached the NTUC Xtra at around 1.30pm. The building was very crowded with people and most of the restaurants were fully packed with a some people waiting in the queues. We went over to Fig & Olive to have our lunch. After our lunch, we went up to the NTUC Xtra. It was also crowded with people. I had a hard time maneuvering the trolley around and we began our shopping spree.
After 2 hours of shopping, we finally checked out. The total bill was $132.20 and after deducting all the vouchers, we only need to fork out $67.20!! This is close to a 50% discount on all our purchases WOW!
We hurried back to our new home to place our shopping there. I sent Jer home and went home myself as I was rushing for work. I went over to Lot 1 to pass the car back to Jer's brother and went to work.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wedding Gift from Kristin & Martin
The postman just came and delivered a parcel to me. My pen-pal of 12 years or so had sent a wedding gift to me as she could not turn up for my wedding due to work.
I opened up the parcel and guessed what was inside? It is a Precious Moments musical snow globe with figurines of a couple in wedding costumes. I wound up the knob beneath the snow globe and it plays the "Mendelessohn Wedding March" tune while the figurines turns in a circular direction. It is especially beautiful on the body of the snow globe as it looks as if the wordings "Precious Moments" are 3D. There is also a card in the box.
I opened up the parcel and guessed what was inside? It is a Precious Moments musical snow globe with figurines of a couple in wedding costumes. I wound up the knob beneath the snow globe and it plays the "Mendelessohn Wedding March" tune while the figurines turns in a circular direction. It is especially beautiful on the body of the snow globe as it looks as if the wordings "Precious Moments" are 3D. There is also a card in the box.

Kristin and Martin, thank you for the sweet gift!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Meeting with JP
I woke up 40 mins later after my alarm had sounded at 4pm. I had a few calls while I was sleeping till I just stopped the alarm as I thought it's one of those calls again haha!
I got up immediately and left my house at 5pm after a brief wash-up. I went to Bukit Batok Central to cut my hair. The last time I had cut my hair was the middle of last month. So I was sporting a mushroom hairdo which is difficult to style as it was thick and heavy.
I was done with my haircut at 6pm and went to Tiong Bahru MRT station to wait for Jer. We would be meeting our JP Ms Ong Ying Ying for the first time to sign the consent form for solemnisation at Novena Square at 8pm.
When we reached Novena Square, it was almost 8pm. Jer got an sms from Ms Ong saying that she would be coming around 8.15-8.30pm cos she wants to have her dinner first. We shopped around the shops there and she finally arrived.
She is a pleasant-looking and soft-spoken lady. We had thought the signing of the form would only take about 5-10 mins but we were wrong. She had intended to brief us about the procedures and preparation for the solemnisation and it would take about an hour to do it. So we went to Ichiban Boshi to have our dinner while she briefed us.
We finished the briefing and dinner at around 10pm. We bid farewells to her and went back home. Overall, we feel comfortable with her being the solemniser for our wedding. :)
I got up immediately and left my house at 5pm after a brief wash-up. I went to Bukit Batok Central to cut my hair. The last time I had cut my hair was the middle of last month. So I was sporting a mushroom hairdo which is difficult to style as it was thick and heavy.
I was done with my haircut at 6pm and went to Tiong Bahru MRT station to wait for Jer. We would be meeting our JP Ms Ong Ying Ying for the first time to sign the consent form for solemnisation at Novena Square at 8pm.
When we reached Novena Square, it was almost 8pm. Jer got an sms from Ms Ong saying that she would be coming around 8.15-8.30pm cos she wants to have her dinner first. We shopped around the shops there and she finally arrived.
She is a pleasant-looking and soft-spoken lady. We had thought the signing of the form would only take about 5-10 mins but we were wrong. She had intended to brief us about the procedures and preparation for the solemnisation and it would take about an hour to do it. So we went to Ichiban Boshi to have our dinner while she briefed us.
We finished the briefing and dinner at around 10pm. We bid farewells to her and went back home. Overall, we feel comfortable with her being the solemniser for our wedding. :)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tea Dress
I went over to Jer's house and we moved some things over to our new house. Jer finally saw the store rack and study table and she was quite pleased with them.
After that, we went home to prepare to go to Sattine. We would be meeting Mavis to try out her bridesmaid's dress and at the same time, Jer would choose a Tea Dress for the AD tea ceremony.
Mandy was there but she did not attend to us as she had flu. Her colleague helped Jer and Mavis to select their dresses. After about 3 hours of selection, we were finally done. Mandy also took the final measurements for me.
We went to Tanjong Pagar Plaza to shop for some fake flowers to make corsages for Jer's sisters. After a short shopping, Mavis had her dinner at BK at Amara Hotel while Jer and me shared a chocolate pie. The taste is werid and I conclude that the chocolate that was used is not of good quality. Mavis and Jer went home while I went back to my station. It's night shift again...
We will be going back to Sattine on 28 December to collect our photo album and Jer and Mavis will try out the gowns/dresses for the final time. The countdown to our big day is only 13 days more!
After that, we went home to prepare to go to Sattine. We would be meeting Mavis to try out her bridesmaid's dress and at the same time, Jer would choose a Tea Dress for the AD tea ceremony.
Mandy was there but she did not attend to us as she had flu. Her colleague helped Jer and Mavis to select their dresses. After about 3 hours of selection, we were finally done. Mandy also took the final measurements for me.
We went to Tanjong Pagar Plaza to shop for some fake flowers to make corsages for Jer's sisters. After a short shopping, Mavis had her dinner at BK at Amara Hotel while Jer and me shared a chocolate pie. The taste is werid and I conclude that the chocolate that was used is not of good quality. Mavis and Jer went home while I went back to my station. It's night shift again...
We will be going back to Sattine on 28 December to collect our photo album and Jer and Mavis will try out the gowns/dresses for the final time. The countdown to our big day is only 13 days more!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Store Rack
I went to the new house slightly after 2pm. I was doing the seating plan for the wedding banquet and the weather was gloomy. I brought along the 2 big bags of Corelle kitchenware which my sister had bought as a gift for me. Thanks sis!
The delivery of the store rack was supposed to come between 3-4pm but the deliveryman called to tell me that he would be late. I continued to do the seating plan and also the program sheet. At around 4.05pm, the deliverymen came. They were done assembling the store rack in about 15 mins. I made payment and they left.
I carried on with what I was doing and the sky started to turn dark. It was already 7pm and I still haven't pack the things into the storeroom. I took some newspaper and began to lay them over the plywood. Next, I moved the cans of paint onto the rack and I placed them tactically as I fear that the weight may break the plywood. This will not happen if the boards are made of steel.. I loaded everything onto the rack and went home for dinner.
The final furniture will be the dressing table which will be Jer's Christmas present from me. It will be arriving on 29 December. The house will be completed at long last. Yes!
The delivery of the store rack was supposed to come between 3-4pm but the deliveryman called to tell me that he would be late. I continued to do the seating plan and also the program sheet. At around 4.05pm, the deliverymen came. They were done assembling the store rack in about 15 mins. I made payment and they left.
I carried on with what I was doing and the sky started to turn dark. It was already 7pm and I still haven't pack the things into the storeroom. I took some newspaper and began to lay them over the plywood. Next, I moved the cans of paint onto the rack and I placed them tactically as I fear that the weight may break the plywood. This will not happen if the boards are made of steel.. I loaded everything onto the rack and went home for dinner.
The final furniture will be the dressing table which will be Jer's Christmas present from me. It will be arriving on 29 December. The house will be completed at long last. Yes!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Delivery of Study Table
I went over to the new house after lunch to wait for the arrival of the study table and to clean up the house. Jer had no time to clean the floor after her sisters' gathering at the new house.
I vacuumed the study room and the delivery came. The deliverymen assembled and placed the table according to my request and left. The tempered glasses for the table are not fitted tightly even though the metal parts have been all connected tightly. They left the house and as usual, I have to clean up the room again due to the pieces of small Styrofoam and dirt from the cardboards.
I vacuumed and mopped the entire house and a female Malay lady came to the door. She is thinking of buying the unit beside my house and came to check on the owner. Too bad I couldn't help her much cos I also have not moved in yet haha! She seems quite a nice person though.
I tried calling Jer's mum but no one answers the phone. So I went home and went for a jog at the car park. After my jog, I managed to contact Jer's mum and arranged to meet her to buy the ring at a jewellery shop near Bukit Gombak MRT station.
We went to the jewellery shop and I began to choose a ring. I did not catch a fancy on almost all the designs and finally chose a gold ring with a simple design. I guess it's the best I can find in that shop...
Jer's mum bought her dinner and we returned to Jer's house after that. Jer will be reaching home from work soon.
I vacuumed the study room and the delivery came. The deliverymen assembled and placed the table according to my request and left. The tempered glasses for the table are not fitted tightly even though the metal parts have been all connected tightly. They left the house and as usual, I have to clean up the room again due to the pieces of small Styrofoam and dirt from the cardboards.
I vacuumed and mopped the entire house and a female Malay lady came to the door. She is thinking of buying the unit beside my house and came to check on the owner. Too bad I couldn't help her much cos I also have not moved in yet haha! She seems quite a nice person though.
I tried calling Jer's mum but no one answers the phone. So I went home and went for a jog at the car park. After my jog, I managed to contact Jer's mum and arranged to meet her to buy the ring at a jewellery shop near Bukit Gombak MRT station.
We went to the jewellery shop and I began to choose a ring. I did not catch a fancy on almost all the designs and finally chose a gold ring with a simple design. I guess it's the best I can find in that shop...
Jer's mum bought her dinner and we returned to Jer's house after that. Jer will be reaching home from work soon.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Delivery of Cakes
I woke up at around 9am and went over to Jer's house after I had washed up. Today, I will be going with Jer and her mum to distribute the wedding cakes to their relatives. The mode of transport will be Jer's brother's car.
Jer was still preparing the cards for her relatives and we ended up leaving the house later by a hour to collect the cakes at a cake shop near to Bukit Gombak MRT station. We went back to Jer's house to pick up her mum. Her mum wanted to give 3 boxes of cakes to her neighbours and Jer took out for her. Jer accidentally opened a box and got a nasty surprise! There were only 2 designs of cakes in the box... She had thought the cake shop will prepare 10 pieces of different design cakes when she went to the cake shop with my mum.
Both Jer and her mum started to complain about the cakes and I am the most innocent party as I am not the one who ordered the cakes... Nevertheless, we still went around to deliver the cakes.
Most of Jer's relatives stayed in Bukit Panjang and we went over there first. Next we went to Ghim Moh estate to deliver to Jer's cousin. We had lunch at the coffeeshop before we continued on our mission. We went over to Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands, followed by Jurong West and Hillview Ave.
The Hillview Ave we had stayed for 20 years of our lives is no longer a familiar sight to us. All the HDB blocks have been demolished and there are only trees. All the talk about building a condominium at the place is only a bubble. We went to Jer's cousin's condominium and chit-chatted with the cousin's wife for almost 2 hours.
After that, we went back to Jer's house. We were supposed to go to Sattine to collect the selected soft copies of our wedding shoot and we left the house at around 8.15pm. We reached Sattine in 20 mins and collected the CD.
Jer's mum was supposed to buy a ring and a pair of pants for me as a good will but we were so busy till we could not make time for it. Seeing that we still have some time before G2000 at Tiong Bahru Plaza closes, we rushed over there.
Jer helped me to choose a pair of pants and I am still able to wear size 28" but it was slightly tight at the thigh area. So I took the size 29" and it was not that fitting but more comfortable. The store is having a promotion that anyone can buy 2 pieces of apparels at 30% discount. We looked around and I bought a shirt to go along with the pants.
We bought Subway for dinner and went back to Jer's house. We had our dinner and I went home exhausted. Time for a good rest!
Jer was still preparing the cards for her relatives and we ended up leaving the house later by a hour to collect the cakes at a cake shop near to Bukit Gombak MRT station. We went back to Jer's house to pick up her mum. Her mum wanted to give 3 boxes of cakes to her neighbours and Jer took out for her. Jer accidentally opened a box and got a nasty surprise! There were only 2 designs of cakes in the box... She had thought the cake shop will prepare 10 pieces of different design cakes when she went to the cake shop with my mum.
Both Jer and her mum started to complain about the cakes and I am the most innocent party as I am not the one who ordered the cakes... Nevertheless, we still went around to deliver the cakes.
Most of Jer's relatives stayed in Bukit Panjang and we went over there first. Next we went to Ghim Moh estate to deliver to Jer's cousin. We had lunch at the coffeeshop before we continued on our mission. We went over to Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands, followed by Jurong West and Hillview Ave.
The Hillview Ave we had stayed for 20 years of our lives is no longer a familiar sight to us. All the HDB blocks have been demolished and there are only trees. All the talk about building a condominium at the place is only a bubble. We went to Jer's cousin's condominium and chit-chatted with the cousin's wife for almost 2 hours.
After that, we went back to Jer's house. We were supposed to go to Sattine to collect the selected soft copies of our wedding shoot and we left the house at around 8.15pm. We reached Sattine in 20 mins and collected the CD.
Jer's mum was supposed to buy a ring and a pair of pants for me as a good will but we were so busy till we could not make time for it. Seeing that we still have some time before G2000 at Tiong Bahru Plaza closes, we rushed over there.
Jer helped me to choose a pair of pants and I am still able to wear size 28" but it was slightly tight at the thigh area. So I took the size 29" and it was not that fitting but more comfortable. The store is having a promotion that anyone can buy 2 pieces of apparels at 30% discount. We looked around and I bought a shirt to go along with the pants.
We bought Subway for dinner and went back to Jer's house. We had our dinner and I went home exhausted. Time for a good rest!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sisters' Gathering
Today is the day to meet up with all my sisters and Lida who had willingly volunteered to be the MC. Thanks heaps!
Received an sms from Van in the morning to say that she's not well and might not be able to attend the gathering as she wouldn't want to spread the virus to us. I told her if she's really not well, she'll better stay @ home to rest - not at all bothered that she'll spread the virus to me...hehe... since I've been sick for the past 3 weeks.
2 hrs later, Zhen sms to inform that Lisi and her are sick. In fact, they have been sick since Mindy's wedding. This is the moment when I was thinking of postponing the gathering since 3 persons can't attend. In the end, Zhen asked me to proceed and she'll try to come if she feels better. I feel so touched that all the sisters are trying to meet up though they are sick.
Anyway, today is also the day for preview of the album montage. Ben & I had lunch and went to Sattine to preview the photos. Well, I kindda like the way the photos are designed and placed. We spent around 10 mins and we are done. No changes needed. Haha... Happy...
I am supposed to rush home now for the sisters' gathering. Just then, Lisi called to say she is sick but she will still come. So touched! Just as I was going to walk to my new home, Lida called. He's waiting outside my house already. Ghosh! I am not even at my new house yet. I apologised and told him I am on the way there now... Feel so pai sei... Didn't expect anyone to come early, esp half an hour early.
I hastened my footsteps and saw Lida waiting outside. I quickly opened the door for him and settle a few things before we had small chats while waiting for the rest to come. Door bell rang and it's pizza delivery. The guy actually don't have a pen with him and fortunately, Lida came to the rescue. What am i gonna do without him. Haha... And he laughed at me for not knowing my own house like where things are kept. Oh well... I've not shifted in and seldom go to my new house so naturally I am quite unfamiliar. Haha...
Slowly one by one the sisters start to come and the sushi finally arrived. They had a tour of my new house before having the dinner. Lida had quite a no of suggestions and all sisters contributed on how to "sabo" Ben. lolx and I let the cat out by telling them what his most afraid of. Well... I shall leave the discussion as that as i can't possible write them down here if not Ben would have known what's gonna happen that day... We shall leave it to 3rd Jan to reveal the secrets.
Received an sms from Van in the morning to say that she's not well and might not be able to attend the gathering as she wouldn't want to spread the virus to us. I told her if she's really not well, she'll better stay @ home to rest - not at all bothered that she'll spread the virus to me...hehe... since I've been sick for the past 3 weeks.
2 hrs later, Zhen sms to inform that Lisi and her are sick. In fact, they have been sick since Mindy's wedding. This is the moment when I was thinking of postponing the gathering since 3 persons can't attend. In the end, Zhen asked me to proceed and she'll try to come if she feels better. I feel so touched that all the sisters are trying to meet up though they are sick.
Anyway, today is also the day for preview of the album montage. Ben & I had lunch and went to Sattine to preview the photos. Well, I kindda like the way the photos are designed and placed. We spent around 10 mins and we are done. No changes needed. Haha... Happy...
I am supposed to rush home now for the sisters' gathering. Just then, Lisi called to say she is sick but she will still come. So touched! Just as I was going to walk to my new home, Lida called. He's waiting outside my house already. Ghosh! I am not even at my new house yet. I apologised and told him I am on the way there now... Feel so pai sei... Didn't expect anyone to come early, esp half an hour early.
I hastened my footsteps and saw Lida waiting outside. I quickly opened the door for him and settle a few things before we had small chats while waiting for the rest to come. Door bell rang and it's pizza delivery. The guy actually don't have a pen with him and fortunately, Lida came to the rescue. What am i gonna do without him. Haha... And he laughed at me for not knowing my own house like where things are kept. Oh well... I've not shifted in and seldom go to my new house so naturally I am quite unfamiliar. Haha...
Slowly one by one the sisters start to come and the sushi finally arrived. They had a tour of my new house before having the dinner. Lida had quite a no of suggestions and all sisters contributed on how to "sabo" Ben. lolx and I let the cat out by telling them what his most afraid of. Well... I shall leave the discussion as that as i can't possible write them down here if not Ben would have known what's gonna happen that day... We shall leave it to 3rd Jan to reveal the secrets.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
First & Final Meeting with Colette Seah
I went to the new house in the afternoon as I had some free time. I spent an hour to assemble the bed in the guest room and my finger got hurt in the process.. Luckily it was only a superficial injury. I also changed the toilet bowl cover which Jer had changed on Tuesday. Finally I began to install the CCTV in the living room but I did not managed to get it running even though I believed I had connected all the links correctly. Guess I will need to contact the installation person for help.
I went home and bathe before going to Tanjong Pagar MRT station to meet Jer to go to M Hotel together. We were supposed to meet the Catering Manager, Colette Seah, at 7pm but I reached Tanjong Pagar MRT station exactly at 7pm. We quickly walked to M Hotel and I called Colette the moment we reached the lobby. Colette told me to wait for her at The Tea Bar.
We ordered two drinks and made ourselves at home. Yesterday, Jer and I had run through some issues which we would like to bring up to Colette. Jer had gone the extra mile to convert the handwritten paper into a computerised paper.
Colette came shortly and gave me the extra wedding cards which I had requested. I checked the design and found that it was different from the one that was given to us. I told Colette and she would make the change later.
Colette told us that her colleague, Eugene Lam, will come to meet us soon as she will be handing over her duties to him when she goes for vacation next week till 5th January 09. So this means that we will not see her again after today.
They showed us the available wedding favors and we selected two. We were also asked to choose the decoration theme for the dinner and we went into details on the contract. We discussed many issues including those which Jer and I had prepared. So we will need to select the songs and I will need to coordinate the wedding with Eugene.
We left the hotel after an hour of discussion. We were tired and went home straight.
I went home and bathe before going to Tanjong Pagar MRT station to meet Jer to go to M Hotel together. We were supposed to meet the Catering Manager, Colette Seah, at 7pm but I reached Tanjong Pagar MRT station exactly at 7pm. We quickly walked to M Hotel and I called Colette the moment we reached the lobby. Colette told me to wait for her at The Tea Bar.
We ordered two drinks and made ourselves at home. Yesterday, Jer and I had run through some issues which we would like to bring up to Colette. Jer had gone the extra mile to convert the handwritten paper into a computerised paper.
Colette came shortly and gave me the extra wedding cards which I had requested. I checked the design and found that it was different from the one that was given to us. I told Colette and she would make the change later.
Colette told us that her colleague, Eugene Lam, will come to meet us soon as she will be handing over her duties to him when she goes for vacation next week till 5th January 09. So this means that we will not see her again after today.
They showed us the available wedding favors and we selected two. We were also asked to choose the decoration theme for the dinner and we went into details on the contract. We discussed many issues including those which Jer and I had prepared. So we will need to select the songs and I will need to coordinate the wedding with Eugene.
We left the hotel after an hour of discussion. We were tired and went home straight.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tiring Day
I went straight to the new house after my night shift. The dining table from Star Furniture would be coming at around 10.30am. So I bought a packet of vegetarian bee hoon and a can of drink for breakfast while I wait for the delivery.
The deliverymen came at 10.40am and they were quick in assembling the table. But they did not clear the aftermath of the installation... There were a lot of small Styrofoam which dropped off from the Styrofoam board used to protect the glass. I gotta sweep them up but it was a futile effort.. So I used the vacuum cleaner to clear the mess which was super duper efficient!
The deliverymen came at 10.40am and they were quick in assembling the table. But they did not clear the aftermath of the installation... There were a lot of small Styrofoam which dropped off from the Styrofoam board used to protect the glass. I gotta sweep them up but it was a futile effort.. So I used the vacuum cleaner to clear the mess which was super duper efficient!
While I was cleaning, the curtain uncle called me to tell me that the curtains are ready and asked me whether he can come at 2pm. I agreed and continued with my task.
After I was done, my mum called me. She was not feeling well and wanted me to go back home asap. I went home and my mum told me that she had been vomiting and feeling dizzy. I brought her to the nearby clinic to see the doctor. The doctor checked my mum thoroughly but could not deduce what was wrong with her. It could be that she was either too tired or her body did not adjust back after she had touched down in Singapore from Taiwan. The doctor prescribed some medicine to my mum and we went back home.
My mum was washing her clothes earlier and I told her to rest and I would settle the rest. Luckily, she had wanted to wash her clothes in the washing machine and that saved me the hassle of hand-washing. I followed her instructions and washed and hanged out the clothes. At the same time, I asked the curtain uncle to wait for my call when I'm going over to the new house.
I reached the new house at around 2.10pm. The uncle and his assistant came over at around 2.30pm. In close to a hour, they completed installing all the curtains. The curtains were all beautifully made. I asked the uncle how much the curtains cost in all but he told me that he did not bring his invoice along. He will get the payment from me on another day.
I went home and finally took my bath before going to sleep. I barely slept 2hrs before my handphone alarm starting to ring. Jer and me will be meeting David and Mindy for dinner and to view their wedding photos at their house.
I got up and went to Bukit Gombak MRT station to meet Jer. We reached Causeway Point on time but David and Mindy were still looking for a parking lot at the car park. So we strolled around while we thought of what to have for our dinner. We saw a set dinner promotion at Siam Kitchen and decide to go for it.
David and Mindy came and we ordered our food. The food took quite a while to come but it was worth the wait. After the dinner, we went to David's and Mindy's new house.
This was the 1st time I had seen their new house. Everything was very new and shiny and stylish. They showed us their Sattine photo album and the photos were very well taken and designed. Hopefully, Yen will present the same quality to us on the coming Saturday when we meet him for the album preview.
We finished watching the 10pm Channel U show and went home. I sent Jer home and went home to sleep. I'm so dead beat after a long day yawn..
After I was done, my mum called me. She was not feeling well and wanted me to go back home asap. I went home and my mum told me that she had been vomiting and feeling dizzy. I brought her to the nearby clinic to see the doctor. The doctor checked my mum thoroughly but could not deduce what was wrong with her. It could be that she was either too tired or her body did not adjust back after she had touched down in Singapore from Taiwan. The doctor prescribed some medicine to my mum and we went back home.
My mum was washing her clothes earlier and I told her to rest and I would settle the rest. Luckily, she had wanted to wash her clothes in the washing machine and that saved me the hassle of hand-washing. I followed her instructions and washed and hanged out the clothes. At the same time, I asked the curtain uncle to wait for my call when I'm going over to the new house.
I reached the new house at around 2.10pm. The uncle and his assistant came over at around 2.30pm. In close to a hour, they completed installing all the curtains. The curtains were all beautifully made. I asked the uncle how much the curtains cost in all but he told me that he did not bring his invoice along. He will get the payment from me on another day.
I went home and finally took my bath before going to sleep. I barely slept 2hrs before my handphone alarm starting to ring. Jer and me will be meeting David and Mindy for dinner and to view their wedding photos at their house.
I got up and went to Bukit Gombak MRT station to meet Jer. We reached Causeway Point on time but David and Mindy were still looking for a parking lot at the car park. So we strolled around while we thought of what to have for our dinner. We saw a set dinner promotion at Siam Kitchen and decide to go for it.
David and Mindy came and we ordered our food. The food took quite a while to come but it was worth the wait. After the dinner, we went to David's and Mindy's new house.
This was the 1st time I had seen their new house. Everything was very new and shiny and stylish. They showed us their Sattine photo album and the photos were very well taken and designed. Hopefully, Yen will present the same quality to us on the coming Saturday when we meet him for the album preview.
We finished watching the 10pm Channel U show and went home. I sent Jer home and went home to sleep. I'm so dead beat after a long day yawn..
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A Near Complete Home
At 9.46am, I was awaken by a call on my handphone. My uncle wanted to come to my house at 11am instead of 1pm. After the call, I realised that he had also called me at 7.46am and sms me but I did not hear it.
I got up immediately and washed up. Since my uncle is coming over with his lorry, I was thinking that I might as well move my TV, PS2 and printer to the new house. So I began to unplug all the cable connections.
My uncle came with his wife at 10.50am. I was still packing the things and he single-handedly moved the mattress and dismantled bed frame. We went to the new house after moving the bed to the lorry. When we reached the car park behind the block, we carried the things up while my uncle's wife helped us to look after the things.
After we had unloaded everything in the new house, we went back to my house again to collect the remaining things. Next, we went to Jer's house to collect her keyboard and other stuffs. We went to the new house and shifted everything up.
The two trips were tiring especially because of the long distance between the lift and the staircase and the need to climb up a flight of stairs. Too bad that the Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP) will only be taking effect next year for the block. Haiz..
By the time we were done moving the things, the time was almost 1pm. My uncle went to the kitchen to install the tap, and changed the mirror and toilet bowl seat. He also helped to install the glass platform on the toilet wall. Jer went to the master bedroom and realised that we had bought the wrong colour for the toilet bowl seat... Lucky, we can still go back to the shop to change it within 60 days of purchase. I bought lunch for everyone and we had our food at the coffee table.
Lastly, we carried the study desk, which was left over by Mr Lim, to throw downstairs. But in the midst of carrying along the 5th floor corridor, we were intercepted by a Malay family who wanted the study desk. So we moved the study desk into the Malay family's house and left. This really saves us the hassle of carrying the study desk down haa!
My uncle and his wife went home after that. I had prepared a red packet for my uncle as a token of appreciation for his help. Jer wanted to buy a dining table urgently and we decided to go to Defu Furniture located at Bt Batok branch.
But I had to return home to wash clothes first or the amount of clothes would pile up. After I had finished washing and hanging the clothes, I took a bath and met Jer at her house.
We went to Defu and it was located at a remote and secluded place. There were a lot of furniture on display but the pricing was higher than other places we had seen so far. We left the place disappointedly and Jer wanted to go to Star Furniture located opposite IMM to take a look.
We took a cab there and saw 2 suitable tables. We were pondering whether to choose the smaller but stylish table or the larger but simple one. Finally, we decided to go for the larger but simple table. While the salesperson was issuing the invoice, we spotted another table with the same dimensions as the one we had chosen and changed our order to it. The delivery was set on the coming Wednesday (10.12.08) in the morning.
Satisfied, we went to IMM to have our dinner. We dined at the Hong Kong Cafe and shared a boiled half-chicken with two bowls of rice. We also ordered the iced milk tea which comes with ice-cream in it. I added glass jelly to it and the taste was very refreshing. We had a very full dinner and went home.
The new house is almost complete except that we are still short of a study table. Hopefully, we can find 1 to our likings soon!
I got up immediately and washed up. Since my uncle is coming over with his lorry, I was thinking that I might as well move my TV, PS2 and printer to the new house. So I began to unplug all the cable connections.
My uncle came with his wife at 10.50am. I was still packing the things and he single-handedly moved the mattress and dismantled bed frame. We went to the new house after moving the bed to the lorry. When we reached the car park behind the block, we carried the things up while my uncle's wife helped us to look after the things.
After we had unloaded everything in the new house, we went back to my house again to collect the remaining things. Next, we went to Jer's house to collect her keyboard and other stuffs. We went to the new house and shifted everything up.
The two trips were tiring especially because of the long distance between the lift and the staircase and the need to climb up a flight of stairs. Too bad that the Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP) will only be taking effect next year for the block. Haiz..
By the time we were done moving the things, the time was almost 1pm. My uncle went to the kitchen to install the tap, and changed the mirror and toilet bowl seat. He also helped to install the glass platform on the toilet wall. Jer went to the master bedroom and realised that we had bought the wrong colour for the toilet bowl seat... Lucky, we can still go back to the shop to change it within 60 days of purchase. I bought lunch for everyone and we had our food at the coffee table.
Lastly, we carried the study desk, which was left over by Mr Lim, to throw downstairs. But in the midst of carrying along the 5th floor corridor, we were intercepted by a Malay family who wanted the study desk. So we moved the study desk into the Malay family's house and left. This really saves us the hassle of carrying the study desk down haa!
My uncle and his wife went home after that. I had prepared a red packet for my uncle as a token of appreciation for his help. Jer wanted to buy a dining table urgently and we decided to go to Defu Furniture located at Bt Batok branch.
But I had to return home to wash clothes first or the amount of clothes would pile up. After I had finished washing and hanging the clothes, I took a bath and met Jer at her house.
We went to Defu and it was located at a remote and secluded place. There were a lot of furniture on display but the pricing was higher than other places we had seen so far. We left the place disappointedly and Jer wanted to go to Star Furniture located opposite IMM to take a look.
We took a cab there and saw 2 suitable tables. We were pondering whether to choose the smaller but stylish table or the larger but simple one. Finally, we decided to go for the larger but simple table. While the salesperson was issuing the invoice, we spotted another table with the same dimensions as the one we had chosen and changed our order to it. The delivery was set on the coming Wednesday (10.12.08) in the morning.
Satisfied, we went to IMM to have our dinner. We dined at the Hong Kong Cafe and shared a boiled half-chicken with two bowls of rice. We also ordered the iced milk tea which comes with ice-cream in it. I added glass jelly to it and the taste was very refreshing. We had a very full dinner and went home.
The new house is almost complete except that we are still short of a study table. Hopefully, we can find 1 to our likings soon!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Final Aircon Servicing & Payment
I had slept less than 2hrs and I went to the new house to meet the aircon technician to repair the faulty aircon in the guest room. When I got there at 3pm, the technician was already waiting outside. He's so punctual.
The technician wasted no time on the repair and he finished the job in 10mins. Sebasten called me to check if the technician was there and told me that he would be dropping by to mend the hole in the guest room and the gap under the rubbish chute and most importantly, to collect the final payment haha!
I paid the technician the cost of the replaced part and he left. I began to install the Starhub voice-enabled modem and the D-Link router. I tried to install the software for both devices on my laptop but I encountered errors. However, the network and phone line were working perfectly. So I called up D-Link to enquire about the error and was told that the software was not required at all and the amber light that appeared at the "Link" on the modem was also encountered by many other users. After that, I made a test-call to Jer who was outside with her friends and she was surprised that the phone line is up.
Sebasten came with a packet of cement and started to mend the hole and gap. He was done in a while and I asked him to send me home as I did not expect him to turn up today and did not bring along my cheque book. He gladly sent me back and I gave him the final payment of $888.
Seeing that I had some time before meeting Jer, I went to sweep and mop my home. I had my bath and Jer called me. Jer arranged to meet me at Jurong East MRT station to go to IMM to purchase a tap for the kitchen and the toilet bowl seats.
When we were at IMM, we went to Sim Sang Choon and bought the tap, a mirror for the toilet and 2 toilet bowl seats. After that, we went to The D.I.Y Store and bought our unit numbers at last! We had dinner at Subway before taking a cab back to the new house to put the things.
Tomorrow, my uncle will be dropping by to help us to move the bed and to fix the tap. It will be a long day ahead!
The technician wasted no time on the repair and he finished the job in 10mins. Sebasten called me to check if the technician was there and told me that he would be dropping by to mend the hole in the guest room and the gap under the rubbish chute and most importantly, to collect the final payment haha!
I paid the technician the cost of the replaced part and he left. I began to install the Starhub voice-enabled modem and the D-Link router. I tried to install the software for both devices on my laptop but I encountered errors. However, the network and phone line were working perfectly. So I called up D-Link to enquire about the error and was told that the software was not required at all and the amber light that appeared at the "Link" on the modem was also encountered by many other users. After that, I made a test-call to Jer who was outside with her friends and she was surprised that the phone line is up.
Sebasten came with a packet of cement and started to mend the hole and gap. He was done in a while and I asked him to send me home as I did not expect him to turn up today and did not bring along my cheque book. He gladly sent me back and I gave him the final payment of $888.
Seeing that I had some time before meeting Jer, I went to sweep and mop my home. I had my bath and Jer called me. Jer arranged to meet me at Jurong East MRT station to go to IMM to purchase a tap for the kitchen and the toilet bowl seats.
When we were at IMM, we went to Sim Sang Choon and bought the tap, a mirror for the toilet and 2 toilet bowl seats. After that, we went to The D.I.Y Store and bought our unit numbers at last! We had dinner at Subway before taking a cab back to the new house to put the things.
Tomorrow, my uncle will be dropping by to help us to move the bed and to fix the tap. It will be a long day ahead!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Curtain Part II
At 7.30pm, I went over to the new house to await the arrival of the curtain uncle. At the same time, I began to fix the Starhub broadband in the living room. The uncle came with his assistant at 7.50pm. I asked them to take a seat to wait for Jer as she had just reached Bukit Gombak MRT station. I turned on the TV and fan for them while I continued with the modem installation.
Jer came and we began to browse through the catalogue. We chose two designs and the uncle told us that he has to go back to check whether there is any stock of the design. He left a catalogue for us just in case that the two designs we had chosen had run out of stock. They left and Jer and me went to the coffeeshop to buy my dinner.
Tomorrow, the uncle will call me to update me on the designs. Hopefully they will be available and the curtains will be up by next week.
Jer came and we began to browse through the catalogue. We chose two designs and the uncle told us that he has to go back to check whether there is any stock of the design. He left a catalogue for us just in case that the two designs we had chosen had run out of stock. They left and Jer and me went to the coffeeshop to buy my dinner.
Tomorrow, the uncle will call me to update me on the designs. Hopefully they will be available and the curtains will be up by next week.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meeting with Jacky
At around 3.30pm, I was sleeping when Jer's brother called me. He was not working today and wanted me to go with him to Funan IT Mall to fix the RAM problem in Jer's and his laptop. I was still feeling tired and slept somemore...
I woke up at around 4.15pm and sms Jer's brother to prepare to go out. When I went to Jer's house, her brother was still preparing... We left the house at 5pm and did some errands before going to Funan IT Mall.
We reached Harvey Norman at Funan IT Mall and the salesperson upgraded Jer's laptop without any questions asked. He also told us that Windows Vista requires updating to Service Pack 1 before it can support 4GB of RAM.
Next we went to fetch Jer at her office. Jer's brother was very famished and we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for dinner. As the time was running late, I sms the videographer Jacky to postpone the appointment time to 9pm. We had nasi lemak there before we parted our ways with Jer's brother.
We took the MRT to Pasir Ris MRT station and a cab to Jacky's house. Jacky showed us a video he had taken for a previous couple and it was very funny. We were satisfied with his work and we discussed on the pricing. We also asked for a photo montage and the whole package cost $1k... Jacky asked for a deposit of $300 but I did not bring any cash out. Lucky, he was okay with it if I would transfer the money to his bank account.
We left his house around 10pm and took a bus to Pasir Ris Interchange. I transferred the deposit at White Sands before we embarked on the long journey home. We were so tired and we fell asleep the moment we sat on the seats. I sent Jer home before going home.
A month more to go before our big day haa!
I woke up at around 4.15pm and sms Jer's brother to prepare to go out. When I went to Jer's house, her brother was still preparing... We left the house at 5pm and did some errands before going to Funan IT Mall.
We reached Harvey Norman at Funan IT Mall and the salesperson upgraded Jer's laptop without any questions asked. He also told us that Windows Vista requires updating to Service Pack 1 before it can support 4GB of RAM.
Next we went to fetch Jer at her office. Jer's brother was very famished and we went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for dinner. As the time was running late, I sms the videographer Jacky to postpone the appointment time to 9pm. We had nasi lemak there before we parted our ways with Jer's brother.
We took the MRT to Pasir Ris MRT station and a cab to Jacky's house. Jacky showed us a video he had taken for a previous couple and it was very funny. We were satisfied with his work and we discussed on the pricing. We also asked for a photo montage and the whole package cost $1k... Jacky asked for a deposit of $300 but I did not bring any cash out. Lucky, he was okay with it if I would transfer the money to his bank account.
We left his house around 10pm and took a bus to Pasir Ris Interchange. I transferred the deposit at White Sands before we embarked on the long journey home. We were so tired and we fell asleep the moment we sat on the seats. I sent Jer home before going home.
A month more to go before our big day haa!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Delivery & Broadband
I went to the new house after lunch with my mum. She was free in the afternoon and I asked her over to watch my brother's wedding videos while I wait for the delivery. There were still some boxes in the living room and I threw them away. I tidied up the living room and storeroom before I began to vacuum the floor.
The delivery from Kong Tai Electrical Trading came sharply at 2pm. One of the deliverymen tested the washing machine using the washing powder that comes FOC and explained to me the functions of the washing machine. Indeed, the front-load washing machine saves more water than a typical top-load washing machine!
I finished vacuuming and started to mop the floor. The water was not as dirty like before which was a relief. The effort of weekly cleaning of the floor really paid off. The floor is not dusty as it was after renovation.
I finished mopping the floor and quickly went home. I was meeting Jer at City Hall MRT station to go to Sitex together. I had asked her to buy a laptop for herself so that we will not need to fight for the use of my laptop in future.
By the time we reached Sitex, it was already around 6pm. I brought Jer around to view the laptops on sale and she took a fancy to the pink Sony Vaio. Yesterday, I had accompanied Jer's brother to buy a similar laptop from a salesperson from Harvey Norman booth. Hence we went back to the same salesperson to bargain for more freebies. I did not haggle much and got an additional 4GB Toshiba thumbdrive for Jer. However the pink and gold colour version were sold out and Jer had no choice but to select the red colour one. I personally preferred the red colour one as it looks more striking hee!
After the purchase, we went to Starhub to sign up for cable broadband for our new house. There was a 25% off subscription promotion for 8Mbps plan and it offers free digital voice service till 31 December 2010. We decided to sign up for it and the waiting time was horrible. Starhub has a counter for registration, one for sales, another for collections and the last counter for payment. The salesperson at the sales counter made some errors on the application form and had to rewrite everything. But she still made some mistakes. After that, we were asked to wait for the collection of the free voice-enable modem and other stuff. While we were waiting, the salesperson returned to us and informed that she had omitted the application for the digital voice and I was required to complete the application. We had no choice but to return and we got to choose a telephone number for our new house. We chose a number which is easy to remember and recite. I told the salesperson to expedite our application as I had enough of waiting.
Our queue number was called shortly and we collected the modem and stuff. On top of that, we were given $30 Robinsons voucher for signing up a new service with Starhub. In total, we spent about 1 hour just to complete the application.
It was already the closing time of the exhibition and we quickly went to D-Link to buy a router for wireless access for the new house. I was surprised that a normal router only cost $39 and I bought it without any hesitation.
Next we went to the lucky draw booth. Sitex has a Ladies Go Tech Lucky Dip which a $200 spend entitles a female shopper to have a lucky dip for a prize. Most of the prizes were already fully redeemed... Jer tried her luck but she did not win anything. So she filled up the lucky draw coupons and dropped them into the two boxes provided.
We went back to Jer's house by train. As I was carrying all the purchases in a big bag, we deposited the bag at Jer's house before going down to the coffeeshop to have our deserved dinner. Jer had no appetite and we shared a big plate of carrot cake.
Right now, we still need a dining table and a study table for our new house. I guess we have to start looking around soon. Ganbatte dear!
The delivery from Kong Tai Electrical Trading came sharply at 2pm. One of the deliverymen tested the washing machine using the washing powder that comes FOC and explained to me the functions of the washing machine. Indeed, the front-load washing machine saves more water than a typical top-load washing machine!
I finished vacuuming and started to mop the floor. The water was not as dirty like before which was a relief. The effort of weekly cleaning of the floor really paid off. The floor is not dusty as it was after renovation.
I finished mopping the floor and quickly went home. I was meeting Jer at City Hall MRT station to go to Sitex together. I had asked her to buy a laptop for herself so that we will not need to fight for the use of my laptop in future.
By the time we reached Sitex, it was already around 6pm. I brought Jer around to view the laptops on sale and she took a fancy to the pink Sony Vaio. Yesterday, I had accompanied Jer's brother to buy a similar laptop from a salesperson from Harvey Norman booth. Hence we went back to the same salesperson to bargain for more freebies. I did not haggle much and got an additional 4GB Toshiba thumbdrive for Jer. However the pink and gold colour version were sold out and Jer had no choice but to select the red colour one. I personally preferred the red colour one as it looks more striking hee!
After the purchase, we went to Starhub to sign up for cable broadband for our new house. There was a 25% off subscription promotion for 8Mbps plan and it offers free digital voice service till 31 December 2010. We decided to sign up for it and the waiting time was horrible. Starhub has a counter for registration, one for sales, another for collections and the last counter for payment. The salesperson at the sales counter made some errors on the application form and had to rewrite everything. But she still made some mistakes. After that, we were asked to wait for the collection of the free voice-enable modem and other stuff. While we were waiting, the salesperson returned to us and informed that she had omitted the application for the digital voice and I was required to complete the application. We had no choice but to return and we got to choose a telephone number for our new house. We chose a number which is easy to remember and recite. I told the salesperson to expedite our application as I had enough of waiting.
Our queue number was called shortly and we collected the modem and stuff. On top of that, we were given $30 Robinsons voucher for signing up a new service with Starhub. In total, we spent about 1 hour just to complete the application.
It was already the closing time of the exhibition and we quickly went to D-Link to buy a router for wireless access for the new house. I was surprised that a normal router only cost $39 and I bought it without any hesitation.
Next we went to the lucky draw booth. Sitex has a Ladies Go Tech Lucky Dip which a $200 spend entitles a female shopper to have a lucky dip for a prize. Most of the prizes were already fully redeemed... Jer tried her luck but she did not win anything. So she filled up the lucky draw coupons and dropped them into the two boxes provided.
We went back to Jer's house by train. As I was carrying all the purchases in a big bag, we deposited the bag at Jer's house before going down to the coffeeshop to have our deserved dinner. Jer had no appetite and we shared a big plate of carrot cake.
Right now, we still need a dining table and a study table for our new house. I guess we have to start looking around soon. Ganbatte dear!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wedding Inserts & Curtains
In the evening, I went to collect the wedding inserts. I reached Paya Lebar MRT station and tried finding the bus stop for bus no: 58. I had remember clearly that one of the bus stops was opposite the MRT station but I just couldn't locate it after walking all over the place. So I ended up taking a cab again. What a remote place...
I reached the JSP Art Industries at around 6.10pm. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I tried again but in vain. I was thinking why no one opened the door when I was asked to collect the inserts between 6pm to 6.30pm. So I took out my phone and start calling the office. Shiryen answered the call and I told her that I was waiting outside.
Shiryen opened the door for me and showed me the wedding inserts. It was printed nicely with no error for once. The previous previews were disappointing as there were errors. I paid her $94 for all the wedding inserts and strings and left.
I took bus no: 58 to Serangoon MRT station and transferred to Bt Gombak MRT station. Jer and I were meeting the curtains uncle, who is my mum's friend's husband, at our new house for quotation of curtains. By the time I reached Bt Gombak MRT station, the time was already 7.50pm. I spent about 1.5hrs on travelling... Sian...
I called Jer and we went up to the new house together. The uncle was not there yet and I took the free time to sweep up whatever dirt I could see on the floor. The uncle came with his assistant and we began looking at the curtain material samples to match the walls.
After an hour plus, we were finally done and got our quotation. I told Jer the quote was cheaper than outside as the uncle had known me since I was a baby. We then went for dinner at the nearby coffeeshop before going back to Jer's house.
We need to finalize the curtain material and colour for the roller blinds and master bedroom another day as the uncle had assumed we wanted to make normal curtains.
I reached the JSP Art Industries at around 6.10pm. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I tried again but in vain. I was thinking why no one opened the door when I was asked to collect the inserts between 6pm to 6.30pm. So I took out my phone and start calling the office. Shiryen answered the call and I told her that I was waiting outside.
Shiryen opened the door for me and showed me the wedding inserts. It was printed nicely with no error for once. The previous previews were disappointing as there were errors. I paid her $94 for all the wedding inserts and strings and left.
I took bus no: 58 to Serangoon MRT station and transferred to Bt Gombak MRT station. Jer and I were meeting the curtains uncle, who is my mum's friend's husband, at our new house for quotation of curtains. By the time I reached Bt Gombak MRT station, the time was already 7.50pm. I spent about 1.5hrs on travelling... Sian...
I called Jer and we went up to the new house together. The uncle was not there yet and I took the free time to sweep up whatever dirt I could see on the floor. The uncle came with his assistant and we began looking at the curtain material samples to match the walls.
After an hour plus, we were finally done and got our quotation. I told Jer the quote was cheaper than outside as the uncle had known me since I was a baby. We then went for dinner at the nearby coffeeshop before going back to Jer's house.
We need to finalize the curtain material and colour for the roller blinds and master bedroom another day as the uncle had assumed we wanted to make normal curtains.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Printing of card insert
I met Jer at Tiong Bahru MRT station to go to the printing company, JSP Art Industries Pte Ltd, located at Blk 3007 Ubi Road 1 #06-406. We will need to alight at Paya Lebar MRT station and transferred to bus no: 58, opposite the station, to go there.
But when we arrived at Paya Lebar MRT station, the time was almost closed to 7pm. So we took a cab there. To make matters worse, while we were looking for the block, we followed a signboard that showed Blk 3007-3014 and made a wasted trip. The cab driver turned left at the junction and finally we managed to locate the block from the other side.
We went up to the unit and the Marketing Manager Jackson was there waiting for us. He showed us a few samples of wedding insert they had printed before and it almost matches the sample given by M Hotel. The previous couple must have printed from JSP Art too.
We selected the colour of the paper and ink and the design of the picture in the insert. Jackson told us that he will try his best to ask his staff to do up a draft and send it to us asap for confirmation. We printed 300 pcs of insert which cost $85 excluding the price for the strings. After confirmation, we can expect to get the inserts earliest by this Friday or the coming Monday.
After everything, we left and took the only bus available (bus no: 58) but we missed Paya Lebar MRT station. I was looking for it but just couldn't see it at all. We ended alighting at Serangoon MRT station and went to Plaza Singapura for dinner. We had dinner at KFC before we went around shopping. We went home after some time.
Hopefully, we can get the inserts on this Friday.
But when we arrived at Paya Lebar MRT station, the time was almost closed to 7pm. So we took a cab there. To make matters worse, while we were looking for the block, we followed a signboard that showed Blk 3007-3014 and made a wasted trip. The cab driver turned left at the junction and finally we managed to locate the block from the other side.
We went up to the unit and the Marketing Manager Jackson was there waiting for us. He showed us a few samples of wedding insert they had printed before and it almost matches the sample given by M Hotel. The previous couple must have printed from JSP Art too.
We selected the colour of the paper and ink and the design of the picture in the insert. Jackson told us that he will try his best to ask his staff to do up a draft and send it to us asap for confirmation. We printed 300 pcs of insert which cost $85 excluding the price for the strings. After confirmation, we can expect to get the inserts earliest by this Friday or the coming Monday.
After everything, we left and took the only bus available (bus no: 58) but we missed Paya Lebar MRT station. I was looking for it but just couldn't see it at all. We ended alighting at Serangoon MRT station and went to Plaza Singapura for dinner. We had dinner at KFC before we went around shopping. We went home after some time.
Hopefully, we can get the inserts on this Friday.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Si Dian Jin
I woke up at 6pm by my alarm. The first night shift after 2 weeks had taken the toll out of me and furthermore I was out the whole day yesterday. Later, my sister, my brother and sister-in-law and my mum will be going to Jer's brother's shop at Lot 1 to buy the "si dian jin" for Jer. The "si dian jin" were supposed to be given to Jer on the wedding day when Jer offered tea to my sister, my brother and my parents.
I had my dinner and left the house with my mum at 7.15pm. We reached there at 7.35pm and surprisingly, we had taken the same MRT with Jer although we were not in the same cabin. My sister had taken her kids to the food court for dinner and we went to Lot 1 basement to buy some snacks for Jer as she had not eaten her dinner yet.
Everyone met at the shop and Jer began looking at the jewelleries. After a while, Jer picked a bracelet, a ring, a pair of earrings and a pendant. My sister paid for the ring, my sister-in-law paid for the pendant while the rest was paid by me on behalf of my parents. The bracelet needs to be adjusted and it was passed to Jer's brother while everyone else kept their prize.
After that, we shopped for a while and my brother sent us home.
I had my dinner and left the house with my mum at 7.15pm. We reached there at 7.35pm and surprisingly, we had taken the same MRT with Jer although we were not in the same cabin. My sister had taken her kids to the food court for dinner and we went to Lot 1 basement to buy some snacks for Jer as she had not eaten her dinner yet.
Everyone met at the shop and Jer began looking at the jewelleries. After a while, Jer picked a bracelet, a ring, a pair of earrings and a pendant. My sister paid for the ring, my sister-in-law paid for the pendant while the rest was paid by me on behalf of my parents. The bracelet needs to be adjusted and it was passed to Jer's brother while everyone else kept their prize.
After that, we shopped for a while and my brother sent us home.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Photos Selection
Jer woke me up in the morning and told me that she was doing her housework and the programmes for the day. We will go to our house to "an chuang", go to Ikea after lunch and meet Yen at his studio in mid-noon before I go for my night shift.
I got up and did my weekly routine of sweeping and mopping the floor. I took a bath and went to Jer's house with the shopping bags which I got back from OG yesterday. Jer's mum was going out and went with us to see our renovated house.
When we got to the new house, the first sight that greeted us was a clean white ceiling and walls. The contractor engaged by the Town Council had finally re-painted the black charred walls and ceiling! But only the corridor on our side was painted haha! We went into the house with all the shopping bags and began to "an chuang". We removed the two layers of plastic covers from the mattress and placed the mattress on the bed. The mattress fitted nicely onto the bed and our mission was accomplished!
We left the house and parted ways with Jer's mum. We went for lunch at the coffeeshop before heading to the MRT station to go to Ikea. We were going there to see if there is any suitable dining table and study table and if there is any good buys.
We reached Ikea at around 1pm and began our hunt. We walked around and saw a few tables but we did not like any of them. We left Ikea and there was still some time. So we went to Queensway Shopping Centre to take a look. There was nothing much there and we left shortly.
We took a bus to Chinatown and it was drizzling when we reached there. We went to Giodano within OG and bought an umbrella. We went to Yen's studio and they were waiting for us. Yen gave us a stack of about 300 photos and told us to choose.
We started the tedious process of eliminating the unwanted photos. Some of the shots were taken very nicely while some did not meet our expectations. Prior to coming to Yen's studio, Jer and I had come up with a formula to select the photos in order not to exceed the quota; to choose only 7 photos for each outfit.
Two and a half hours passed and we were finally done with the selection. We had exceeded 1 photo and need to top up $60. Yen told us about a package which allows us to keep all the soft and hard copies of the photos and increase the pages in the album. But it will cost another $1k or more. Jer was slightly tempted but I managed to convince her that the package was redundant and we could spend the money elsewhere.
In the end, Jer removed a photo from the stack and I was not required to pay any extras haha! Yen told us to return in mid-Dec for a preview of the album and Sattine staff will call us to confirm the date when it is nearer.
We thanked Yen and left the studio. As there was still some time, I brought Jer to the famous Mount Faber Nasi Lemak to have dinner. After dinner, Jer went home while I went back to my station to report for work.
Next to-do item on my list is to engage a videographer for the actual day. Hopefully I can find one soon...
I got up and did my weekly routine of sweeping and mopping the floor. I took a bath and went to Jer's house with the shopping bags which I got back from OG yesterday. Jer's mum was going out and went with us to see our renovated house.
When we got to the new house, the first sight that greeted us was a clean white ceiling and walls. The contractor engaged by the Town Council had finally re-painted the black charred walls and ceiling! But only the corridor on our side was painted haha! We went into the house with all the shopping bags and began to "an chuang". We removed the two layers of plastic covers from the mattress and placed the mattress on the bed. The mattress fitted nicely onto the bed and our mission was accomplished!
We left the house and parted ways with Jer's mum. We went for lunch at the coffeeshop before heading to the MRT station to go to Ikea. We were going there to see if there is any suitable dining table and study table and if there is any good buys.
We reached Ikea at around 1pm and began our hunt. We walked around and saw a few tables but we did not like any of them. We left Ikea and there was still some time. So we went to Queensway Shopping Centre to take a look. There was nothing much there and we left shortly.
We took a bus to Chinatown and it was drizzling when we reached there. We went to Giodano within OG and bought an umbrella. We went to Yen's studio and they were waiting for us. Yen gave us a stack of about 300 photos and told us to choose.
We started the tedious process of eliminating the unwanted photos. Some of the shots were taken very nicely while some did not meet our expectations. Prior to coming to Yen's studio, Jer and I had come up with a formula to select the photos in order not to exceed the quota; to choose only 7 photos for each outfit.
Two and a half hours passed and we were finally done with the selection. We had exceeded 1 photo and need to top up $60. Yen told us about a package which allows us to keep all the soft and hard copies of the photos and increase the pages in the album. But it will cost another $1k or more. Jer was slightly tempted but I managed to convince her that the package was redundant and we could spend the money elsewhere.
In the end, Jer removed a photo from the stack and I was not required to pay any extras haha! Yen told us to return in mid-Dec for a preview of the album and Sattine staff will call us to confirm the date when it is nearer.
We thanked Yen and left the studio. As there was still some time, I brought Jer to the famous Mount Faber Nasi Lemak to have dinner. After dinner, Jer went home while I went back to my station to report for work.
Next to-do item on my list is to engage a videographer for the actual day. Hopefully I can find one soon...
Friday, November 21, 2008
More Shopping!!
Today is my second off but I was asked to go back to my station for an audit. As my mum was going to Chinatown to shop for a rice cooker and kettle for me, I arranged to meet her there after the audit.
I met my mum at Chinatown at around 1140am. We went to have Ikan Bilis Yong Tau Foo again as it was my mum's favourite. After lunch, we went to OG @ People's Park Complex to shop. We found the identical rice cooker which my mum is currently using at home and the price had gone up by $10 since the last time my mum bought it. We then went to select a electrical kettle and a thermos flask. We went to pay for the items and received some coupons and vouchers. One of the coupons allows the bearer to purchase Tefal cooking pans and pots at a discounted price. So I went to buy 1 frying pan and a wooden spatula. I also received 3 coupons to exchange for free oyster pearls at a nearby counter. We went over and handed over the coupons to the staff. He opened up 3 oysters and took out 3 pearls. Another staff then asked my mum whether she would like to attach the pearls to a pendant and the price for 1 is around $100. My mum doesn't want the pendant and we went home after getting the 3 pearls.
In the evening, my mum and I met up with Jer's mum to go to Jurong West to shop for a washing machine and fridge. Jer was coming from her office and we met her at Lakeside MRT station. We took a bus to Blk 504 Jurong West St 51 and went to Kong Tai Electric Trading. The staff recommended to us a Bosch front-loading washing machine which saves more water per wash than a normal top-loading washing machine. The price was slightly more than 2 times of a normal washing machine. Next, we were shown to a Mitsubishi fridge. It has 3 doors and the size is just right for our house. We also take a look at fans and the staff also recommended Mitsubishi ones to us. We selected a model and ordered 3. Jer and I initially intended to buy tower fans but we were advised by the staff that tower fans are weaker and difficult to maintain. So we spent a total of $1900 on the washing machine, fridge and 3 fans. The delivery date was set on next Saturday between 2pm to 5pm. Jer's mum offered to sponsor the 3 fans as a gift to us. Thanks mum-in-law-to-be haa!
Jer and her mum had their dinner at the nearby coffeeshop and we went home after that. Now the house is more complete although we still need a dining table and study table with chairs.
I met my mum at Chinatown at around 1140am. We went to have Ikan Bilis Yong Tau Foo again as it was my mum's favourite. After lunch, we went to OG @ People's Park Complex to shop. We found the identical rice cooker which my mum is currently using at home and the price had gone up by $10 since the last time my mum bought it. We then went to select a electrical kettle and a thermos flask. We went to pay for the items and received some coupons and vouchers. One of the coupons allows the bearer to purchase Tefal cooking pans and pots at a discounted price. So I went to buy 1 frying pan and a wooden spatula. I also received 3 coupons to exchange for free oyster pearls at a nearby counter. We went over and handed over the coupons to the staff. He opened up 3 oysters and took out 3 pearls. Another staff then asked my mum whether she would like to attach the pearls to a pendant and the price for 1 is around $100. My mum doesn't want the pendant and we went home after getting the 3 pearls.
In the evening, my mum and I met up with Jer's mum to go to Jurong West to shop for a washing machine and fridge. Jer was coming from her office and we met her at Lakeside MRT station. We took a bus to Blk 504 Jurong West St 51 and went to Kong Tai Electric Trading. The staff recommended to us a Bosch front-loading washing machine which saves more water per wash than a normal top-loading washing machine. The price was slightly more than 2 times of a normal washing machine. Next, we were shown to a Mitsubishi fridge. It has 3 doors and the size is just right for our house. We also take a look at fans and the staff also recommended Mitsubishi ones to us. We selected a model and ordered 3. Jer and I initially intended to buy tower fans but we were advised by the staff that tower fans are weaker and difficult to maintain. So we spent a total of $1900 on the washing machine, fridge and 3 fans. The delivery date was set on next Saturday between 2pm to 5pm. Jer's mum offered to sponsor the 3 fans as a gift to us. Thanks mum-in-law-to-be haa!
Jer and her mum had their dinner at the nearby coffeeshop and we went home after that. Now the house is more complete although we still need a dining table and study table with chairs.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Delivery of the Mattress
At 8.14a.m, I was awaken by my phone. Reluctantly, I looked at my phone and the caller ID reflected "Hong Kah Town Council". I answered the call and it was Christina Ong, the manager in-charge of my block. She informed me that the contractor will be painting the corridor along my unit either today or tomorrow. At last, it was going to be done. I thanked her for the help and went back to sleep.
I accompanied my mother to the polyclinic for her regular check-up in the late morning and returned home at around 2p.m. The SeaHorse delivery has been scheduled between 3p.m to 7p.m and I decided to go to the new house earlier to clean up.
Once I stepped into the house, I began to sweep the floor and at the same time, armed with a scraper to remove the paint which had landed on the floor. Whenever Jer and I have finished sweeping and mopping the floor, we will still feel that the floor is still dirty as if there is dust. So I opened the new vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the whole house. After that, I began mopping.
The deliverymen came close to 5p.m and left a few footprints on my floor... I mopped away the prints and went to wash the floor for the toilets. After doing all that labour work, I went home feeling exhausted. The windows and other things will come another day.
I accompanied my mother to the polyclinic for her regular check-up in the late morning and returned home at around 2p.m. The SeaHorse delivery has been scheduled between 3p.m to 7p.m and I decided to go to the new house earlier to clean up.
Once I stepped into the house, I began to sweep the floor and at the same time, armed with a scraper to remove the paint which had landed on the floor. Whenever Jer and I have finished sweeping and mopping the floor, we will still feel that the floor is still dirty as if there is dust. So I opened the new vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the whole house. After that, I began mopping.
The deliverymen came close to 5p.m and left a few footprints on my floor... I mopped away the prints and went to wash the floor for the toilets. After doing all that labour work, I went home feeling exhausted. The windows and other things will come another day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Final painting Touch-Up
I just stepped into my home when Sebasten called me. He asked me whether his painters can come to my new house now to do some painting touch-up which I had requested. I agreed to his request and went straight to the new house.
The painters came half an hour later and asked me what was needed to be done. I told them about the gap that can be seen in the study room. I was still looking around when I discovered that the paint on ceiling of the kitchen was peeling off again. Hence I asked them to touch up. When everything was done, I went to the study room to check and felt something wet on my soles of my foot. I checked and to my horror, I found paint on my foot!
I tactfully informed the painters and checked around the room while I try to spot for traces of wet paint. The painters then removed the paint on the floor by using his hand to wipe it away... I gave up and went to wash my feet.
When they were done, I asked for some spare paint from them in the event that I need paint to touch-up. They left me some paint in the storeroom and left the house. I had wanted to mop the floor but was hungry and went home after that.
I guess the mopping can wait another day haha!
The painters came half an hour later and asked me what was needed to be done. I told them about the gap that can be seen in the study room. I was still looking around when I discovered that the paint on ceiling of the kitchen was peeling off again. Hence I asked them to touch up. When everything was done, I went to the study room to check and felt something wet on my soles of my foot. I checked and to my horror, I found paint on my foot!
I tactfully informed the painters and checked around the room while I try to spot for traces of wet paint. The painters then removed the paint on the floor by using his hand to wipe it away... I gave up and went to wash my feet.
When they were done, I asked for some spare paint from them in the event that I need paint to touch-up. They left me some paint in the storeroom and left the house. I had wanted to mop the floor but was hungry and went home after that.
I guess the mopping can wait another day haha!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Food Tasting @ M Hotel
In less than 2 months, it'll be our big day! The highlight of the wedding is no other than the wedding dinner. Hence in preparation of the dinner, Colette Seah from M Hotel had arranged for us to go for our food tasting in the evening.
Today I was on course again. Immediately after my course had ended, there was still some time and I decided to borrow Jer's brother's car to send my parents, Jer's mum and Jer to the hotel. I rushed back and went to Jer's house to pick up the car key. After that, I went to start the car and drove it to my block before going home to change my clothes.
We arrived at M Hotel and everyone was already there waiting for us. We started the dinner and we were displeased with the service of the waiter who was assigned to our table. He wasn't attentive enough even though he was only serving our table.
The first dish, which is the standard cold dish, came and the waiter showed me the presentation. It looked okay to me and he went to distribute the food at a corner. Everyone was famished by the time the waiter started to distribute the food portion. We were quite disappointed with the prawns and spring rolls as their tastes did not appeal to us. I asked for everyone's comments and wrote everything down on the feedback form.
The other dishes came one after another. The waiter repeated the same procedures until we got fed up with his WOLS service and I asked to self-service. I guess the phrase "hungry people are angry people" is true to some extent haha!
The last dish is Yam Paste with Ginko Nuts. The waiter made a terrible mistake which my brother-in-law could not hold it longer but to question him. The waiter did not stir the dessert before serving us and everyone got either too much soup and too little yam, or too little soup and too much yam... My brother-in-law asked the waiter whether he knows that he should have stirred the dessert before serving and it seems that he does not know.
After the last dish, the manager and chief cook came out to meet us. We gave our feedback on all the dishes and asked the manager to brief and train their staff as it will affect the dinner and the reputation of the hotel.
We were supposed to collect the wedding cards from Colette but apparently, she had already left the hotel. Hence I asked my brother and his wife, my brother-in-law and the two children to go back first. The manager said he will see what he can do for us and we waited. After waiting for around 15 mins, a waitress informed us that the office was locked and we need to wait another 15 mins for someone to open the office. We were tired of waiting and decided to collect the cards tomorrow.
Overall, the food is still okay but we feel that the waiter's service could be better.
Today I was on course again. Immediately after my course had ended, there was still some time and I decided to borrow Jer's brother's car to send my parents, Jer's mum and Jer to the hotel. I rushed back and went to Jer's house to pick up the car key. After that, I went to start the car and drove it to my block before going home to change my clothes.
We arrived at M Hotel and everyone was already there waiting for us. We started the dinner and we were displeased with the service of the waiter who was assigned to our table. He wasn't attentive enough even though he was only serving our table.
The first dish, which is the standard cold dish, came and the waiter showed me the presentation. It looked okay to me and he went to distribute the food at a corner. Everyone was famished by the time the waiter started to distribute the food portion. We were quite disappointed with the prawns and spring rolls as their tastes did not appeal to us. I asked for everyone's comments and wrote everything down on the feedback form.
The other dishes came one after another. The waiter repeated the same procedures until we got fed up with his WOLS service and I asked to self-service. I guess the phrase "hungry people are angry people" is true to some extent haha!
The last dish is Yam Paste with Ginko Nuts. The waiter made a terrible mistake which my brother-in-law could not hold it longer but to question him. The waiter did not stir the dessert before serving us and everyone got either too much soup and too little yam, or too little soup and too much yam... My brother-in-law asked the waiter whether he knows that he should have stirred the dessert before serving and it seems that he does not know.
After the last dish, the manager and chief cook came out to meet us. We gave our feedback on all the dishes and asked the manager to brief and train their staff as it will affect the dinner and the reputation of the hotel.
We were supposed to collect the wedding cards from Colette but apparently, she had already left the hotel. Hence I asked my brother and his wife, my brother-in-law and the two children to go back first. The manager said he will see what he can do for us and we waited. After waiting for around 15 mins, a waitress informed us that the office was locked and we need to wait another 15 mins for someone to open the office. We were tired of waiting and decided to collect the cards tomorrow.
Overall, the food is still okay but we feel that the waiter's service could be better.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Shopping for Wedding stuff
I woke up at 9am to prepare for an outing with my mum, Jer and her mum. We had arranged to go to Chinatown to buy the Chinese wedding necessities.
My mum and I went over to Jer's house to meet up. On the way, we met Jer's brother who was going to the car park to get his car to send his wife to work. He had wanted to go to Chinatown too but we were too late to go with him.
We took the MRT to Chinatown. We went to the shop which my mum brought us to and there were a lot of Chinese wedding stuff in the shop. My mum asked for the items to "shang tou" for both Jer and myself. Jer and I bought some red packets and stickers to paste on our doors.
Although we were buying the minimum, but we still spent almost an hour in the shop. We had Ikan Bilis Yong Tau Foo at the food centre and queued for about half an hour... After we had our fill, we went to Suntec Convention Hall for the Home Electronics Fair.
When we reached Suntec, there were many people moving around as there are other fairs going on. We walked for a while but nothing caught our eyes. So we decided to go to Bukit Panjang Plaza Harvey Norman to take a look.
Once we reached there, my mum began looking around the store. We shortlisted a few fridges and washing machines. Then Jer's mum suggested to go to Jurong West where it is cheaper to buy electrical appliances. Jer called her uncle to ask for the shop's number and address. But when she called the shop, the shop was already about to close as it ended operation early on Sundays.
So we went home instead. We had dinner at the coffeeshop after we had put the things we bought earlier at our homes. Of cos, it's my treat haa!
My mum and I went over to Jer's house to meet up. On the way, we met Jer's brother who was going to the car park to get his car to send his wife to work. He had wanted to go to Chinatown too but we were too late to go with him.
We took the MRT to Chinatown. We went to the shop which my mum brought us to and there were a lot of Chinese wedding stuff in the shop. My mum asked for the items to "shang tou" for both Jer and myself. Jer and I bought some red packets and stickers to paste on our doors.
Although we were buying the minimum, but we still spent almost an hour in the shop. We had Ikan Bilis Yong Tau Foo at the food centre and queued for about half an hour... After we had our fill, we went to Suntec Convention Hall for the Home Electronics Fair.
When we reached Suntec, there were many people moving around as there are other fairs going on. We walked for a while but nothing caught our eyes. So we decided to go to Bukit Panjang Plaza Harvey Norman to take a look.
Once we reached there, my mum began looking around the store. We shortlisted a few fridges and washing machines. Then Jer's mum suggested to go to Jurong West where it is cheaper to buy electrical appliances. Jer called her uncle to ask for the shop's number and address. But when she called the shop, the shop was already about to close as it ended operation early on Sundays.
So we went home instead. We had dinner at the coffeeshop after we had put the things we bought earlier at our homes. Of cos, it's my treat haa!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Delivery of Furniture & TV
I was awaken in the morning by Jer to have breakfast with her before she goes to Suntec Convention Hall for her company's exhibition. So I got up and went to her house. But Jer was not ready yet. No choice but to wait. When it was time to go for breakfast, there was exactly not enough time for us without Jer being late for work. I ended up buying a bread and milk for Jer and accompanied her to the MRT station.
After seeing Jer off, I went back home. I had wanted to sweep and mop my house which is a weekly routine but I was so tired that I went back to sleep. I woke up an hour later and started doing my chore. My mum did not cook lunch and I went to buy up.
We had lunch and my mum followed me to the new house. I had bought along the vacuum cleaner and other things to the new house and we were carrying big and small bags. Besides that, I was again having a cold and kept sneezing non-stop. The delivery time for the TV and home theatre system was between 12pm to 5pm while the delivery time for the furniture was between 2pm to 6pm.
Once we set foot in the new house, I took the vacuum cleaner and began cleaning the house again. However, the vacuum cleaner was old and the head was worn out. So it did not do a good job. Nevertheless, I tried my best and then mopped the floor while waiting for the deliveries to arrive.
The coffee table was delivered first. Next, the TV and home theatre system came and shortly followed by the LG installation agents. While they were assembling the parts, the delivery of the bed came. So I got to keep moving around to make sure everything was okay. When everything was finished, the floor was very dirty again and I had to sweep and mop the 2nd time. My mum wanted to go home and left me alone. Sebasten came shortly to take a look and he was saying everything looked good and nice. The sofa delivery came and the living room is still spacious even with the sofa being situated in the center. We talked for a while and I paid Sebasten the 3rd instalment of the renovation cost and the payment for the electricians. I also asked him to send his painters back to touch-up some areas. A while later, Sebasten left for his appointment.
Jer came back from work and bought me some food. Thanks dear! Jer was very pleased with the furniture and we continued cleaning the house while we are waiting for the last delivery which is the shoe cabinet. It arrived close to 6pm. After the deliverymen had left, Jer discovered that one of the doors was noisy. I ran down the stairs and managed to contact the deliverymen who were already seated in their lorry. I explained to them what was wrong and one of them followed me back to the house. He just loosened one of the screws on the hinges of the door and it was quiet already. We were impressed by him and thanked him.
After a long day, we went back to Jer's house where her mum cooked dinner for us. We recounted on the day and were surprised that Sincere Furniture Centre had actually sent 4 different deliverymen for all 4 different pieces of furniture. Such a waste of manpower haa!
After seeing Jer off, I went back home. I had wanted to sweep and mop my house which is a weekly routine but I was so tired that I went back to sleep. I woke up an hour later and started doing my chore. My mum did not cook lunch and I went to buy up.
We had lunch and my mum followed me to the new house. I had bought along the vacuum cleaner and other things to the new house and we were carrying big and small bags. Besides that, I was again having a cold and kept sneezing non-stop. The delivery time for the TV and home theatre system was between 12pm to 5pm while the delivery time for the furniture was between 2pm to 6pm.
Once we set foot in the new house, I took the vacuum cleaner and began cleaning the house again. However, the vacuum cleaner was old and the head was worn out. So it did not do a good job. Nevertheless, I tried my best and then mopped the floor while waiting for the deliveries to arrive.
The coffee table was delivered first. Next, the TV and home theatre system came and shortly followed by the LG installation agents. While they were assembling the parts, the delivery of the bed came. So I got to keep moving around to make sure everything was okay. When everything was finished, the floor was very dirty again and I had to sweep and mop the 2nd time. My mum wanted to go home and left me alone. Sebasten came shortly to take a look and he was saying everything looked good and nice. The sofa delivery came and the living room is still spacious even with the sofa being situated in the center. We talked for a while and I paid Sebasten the 3rd instalment of the renovation cost and the payment for the electricians. I also asked him to send his painters back to touch-up some areas. A while later, Sebasten left for his appointment.
Jer came back from work and bought me some food. Thanks dear! Jer was very pleased with the furniture and we continued cleaning the house while we are waiting for the last delivery which is the shoe cabinet. It arrived close to 6pm. After the deliverymen had left, Jer discovered that one of the doors was noisy. I ran down the stairs and managed to contact the deliverymen who were already seated in their lorry. I explained to them what was wrong and one of them followed me back to the house. He just loosened one of the screws on the hinges of the door and it was quiet already. We were impressed by him and thanked him.
After a long day, we went back to Jer's house where her mum cooked dinner for us. We recounted on the day and were surprised that Sincere Furniture Centre had actually sent 4 different deliverymen for all 4 different pieces of furniture. Such a waste of manpower haa!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Clearing up of Renovation's mess
Tomorrow, the TV and furniture will all be delivered to the new house. But we have not started cleaning the house yet after the renovation has been completed. So, we decided to do some cleaning especially on the floor and featured wall before everything comes.
I had finished a course and reached home at around 6.30pm. I had my dinner at home and went alone to the new house. Jer had not leave her office but would come later.
I began cleaning the wardrobes and the progress was slow as I had physical training during my course and was tired from waking up early in the morning for the past 3 days. When Jer came, I was only cleaning the 2nd wardrobe... I asked Jer to wipe the featured wall and to sweep the floor while I continued on my task.
I finished my task and went to help Jer. We took turns to mop the floor as I was really very tired. After we mopped the floor, we still feel that the floor is still dusty. It must be the finer dust that we were unable to sweep and mop away.
We went home after securing the door. Our house is finally clean and ready yippee!
I had finished a course and reached home at around 6.30pm. I had my dinner at home and went alone to the new house. Jer had not leave her office but would come later.
I began cleaning the wardrobes and the progress was slow as I had physical training during my course and was tired from waking up early in the morning for the past 3 days. When Jer came, I was only cleaning the 2nd wardrobe... I asked Jer to wipe the featured wall and to sweep the floor while I continued on my task.
I finished my task and went to help Jer. We took turns to mop the floor as I was really very tired. After we mopped the floor, we still feel that the floor is still dusty. It must be the finer dust that we were unable to sweep and mop away.
We went home after securing the door. Our house is finally clean and ready yippee!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
SeaHorse Promotion
I met Jer at Tiong Bahru Plaza at around 7.30pm. Jer was late again as she had work to complete in office.
We went straight to the SeaHorse store and discovered that everything was going at 50% store-wide! We tested the available mattresses and chose the diamond mattress for our queen-size bed. Then the salesman told us that there will be delivery charge for the mattress as our purchase did not qualify for free delivery. In order to get the free delivery, we need to chalk up the total amount to $699.50. We were a hundred dollars short and the salesman recommended pillows, bolster, quilt and protection covers to us. We chose 1 each from the recommendations and the total amount adds up nicely to $700. So we paid for the items and arranged the delivery to be made on next Thursday. Jer was saying that the salesman had an easy time serving us because the things he was selling were essential to us haa!
We had dinner at Sakae Sushi before heading home. Finally we can "an chuang" next week hee!
We went straight to the SeaHorse store and discovered that everything was going at 50% store-wide! We tested the available mattresses and chose the diamond mattress for our queen-size bed. Then the salesman told us that there will be delivery charge for the mattress as our purchase did not qualify for free delivery. In order to get the free delivery, we need to chalk up the total amount to $699.50. We were a hundred dollars short and the salesman recommended pillows, bolster, quilt and protection covers to us. We chose 1 each from the recommendations and the total amount adds up nicely to $700. So we paid for the items and arranged the delivery to be made on next Thursday. Jer was saying that the salesman had an easy time serving us because the things he was selling were essential to us haa!
We had dinner at Sakae Sushi before heading home. Finally we can "an chuang" next week hee!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Completion of Renovation
In the afternoon, I was on course when I got a call from Sebasten. He told me that I could remove the dismantled wardrobe already or else I can't move in my bed. Sigh, I thought he would have ask his workers to do it for me since they had dismantled it. :(
A few days ago, I had already seen the dismantled wardrobe and I concluded that I will not be able to move it alone like what I did to the living room platform. So I began smsing my close friends for help but no one seems to be available. In the end, blood is still thicker than water! I called up my cousin (Desheng) who offered to help without any second thoughts. Thanks bro!
After my course, I went home and called my cousin to come to my house. He was having dinner outside and told me he will come after he had finished his food. I waited for an hour plus before he turned up at my house. I was watching TV for a while and he asked me to turn on my PS2 for him. Hearing that, I immediately picked up the tools I need and walked to the door. If I had turned on the PS2 for him, I doubt we will never stop playing haha!
So we left for my new house. We reached my new house shortly. The moment I opened the main door, I was surprised that the featured wall for the living room was up! I went to the bedrooms and got more surprises! The 2 new wardrobes were also completed! The lights for the living room and kitchen were also installed. Sebasten actually managed to complete the entire renovation in just 3 days!!! My cousin, on the other hand, exclaimed that the house is very big. I showed him around the house and of cos the wardrobe that stands in our way haha! We spent the next hour removing the wardrobe as it was not a simple task. But somehow, we managed to accomplish the mission! We went to the 7-11 to get a drink and we chit-chatted at void deck of Blk 338.
While we were relaxing there, Sebasten called me and told me that he was going to my new house to take a look. He said his guys told him everything was completed but he had yet to check the quality of work. I tried calling Jer but she did not answer her phone...
We met Sebasten at my new house and he explained to me what he had asked his guys to do for the cupboards and featured wall. He was pleased with the work done but nevertheless, he will still ask his guys to touch-up slightly. I called Jer again and she finally answered. She was still having dinner with her friends elsewhere... I told her the good news and since she was still outside, I would let Sebasten go off as he had another appointment. Jer asked me to wait for her as she wanted to take a look at the renovation.
Sebasten left and Jer came about half an hour later. She was delighted that everything was done beautifully and was very excited. She also thanked my cousin for the help he rendered to us. We left the house shortly and my cousin went home.
Finally the renovation for the house has been completed! Now, we can focus on the furniture and other matters.
A few days ago, I had already seen the dismantled wardrobe and I concluded that I will not be able to move it alone like what I did to the living room platform. So I began smsing my close friends for help but no one seems to be available. In the end, blood is still thicker than water! I called up my cousin (Desheng) who offered to help without any second thoughts. Thanks bro!
After my course, I went home and called my cousin to come to my house. He was having dinner outside and told me he will come after he had finished his food. I waited for an hour plus before he turned up at my house. I was watching TV for a while and he asked me to turn on my PS2 for him. Hearing that, I immediately picked up the tools I need and walked to the door. If I had turned on the PS2 for him, I doubt we will never stop playing haha!
So we left for my new house. We reached my new house shortly. The moment I opened the main door, I was surprised that the featured wall for the living room was up! I went to the bedrooms and got more surprises! The 2 new wardrobes were also completed! The lights for the living room and kitchen were also installed. Sebasten actually managed to complete the entire renovation in just 3 days!!! My cousin, on the other hand, exclaimed that the house is very big. I showed him around the house and of cos the wardrobe that stands in our way haha! We spent the next hour removing the wardrobe as it was not a simple task. But somehow, we managed to accomplish the mission! We went to the 7-11 to get a drink and we chit-chatted at void deck of Blk 338.
While we were relaxing there, Sebasten called me and told me that he was going to my new house to take a look. He said his guys told him everything was completed but he had yet to check the quality of work. I tried calling Jer but she did not answer her phone...
We met Sebasten at my new house and he explained to me what he had asked his guys to do for the cupboards and featured wall. He was pleased with the work done but nevertheless, he will still ask his guys to touch-up slightly. I called Jer again and she finally answered. She was still having dinner with her friends elsewhere... I told her the good news and since she was still outside, I would let Sebasten go off as he had another appointment. Jer asked me to wait for her as she wanted to take a look at the renovation.
Sebasten left and Jer came about half an hour later. She was delighted that everything was done beautifully and was very excited. She also thanked my cousin for the help he rendered to us. We left the house shortly and my cousin went home.
Finally the renovation for the house has been completed! Now, we can focus on the furniture and other matters.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The lights at long last!
I returned from night shift and bought breakfast for Jer. While we were having our breakfast, our dear Sebasten called me. He asked me whether we were free to shop for lights with him in the morning as he will not be free in the evening. I had planned to shop for lights in the evening cos I need my deserving sleep in the morning to noon. But since we want to settle the renovation asap, we decided to oblige to his invitation.
So I went home first to wash up and returned to Jer's house. We had arranged to meet Sebasten at our new house. When we reached the block, Sebasten's car was already parked in the car park. However, he had already gone up and asked us to go up to take a look as his painters were there. We went up and the whole house was covered in plastic sheets on the floor. 1 of the painters was painting in the house and Sebasten explained to us what his painters were going to do.
We left the house shortly and went to Chelsea Lighting. This time, a young guy served us. He showed us some new lights but we were concerned that the lights will be hanging low cos the living room ceiling is abnormally low. In the end, we chose a much simpler light for the living room and two also simple lights for the kitchen. We spent $230 for the 3 lights and Sebasten said he will help us to receive the delivery of the lights on the coming Tuesday.
Next, we suggested to Sebasten to take a look at the store which we had bought our furniture from. He drove us to the place and looked at the some of the furniture that we had chosen. He said the furniture will match the theme of the living room but suggested that we should buy our dining table maybe at Ikea as it has more choices and price ranges. We also made our final payment of the furniture.
Sebasten then sent us back to our new house. We went up and there were 3 painters (including the 1st one whom we met earlier). After a while, we bid Sebasten farewell and we went back.
I'm so sleepy and tired... *yawn* zzz..
So I went home first to wash up and returned to Jer's house. We had arranged to meet Sebasten at our new house. When we reached the block, Sebasten's car was already parked in the car park. However, he had already gone up and asked us to go up to take a look as his painters were there. We went up and the whole house was covered in plastic sheets on the floor. 1 of the painters was painting in the house and Sebasten explained to us what his painters were going to do.
We left the house shortly and went to Chelsea Lighting. This time, a young guy served us. He showed us some new lights but we were concerned that the lights will be hanging low cos the living room ceiling is abnormally low. In the end, we chose a much simpler light for the living room and two also simple lights for the kitchen. We spent $230 for the 3 lights and Sebasten said he will help us to receive the delivery of the lights on the coming Tuesday.
Next, we suggested to Sebasten to take a look at the store which we had bought our furniture from. He drove us to the place and looked at the some of the furniture that we had chosen. He said the furniture will match the theme of the living room but suggested that we should buy our dining table maybe at Ikea as it has more choices and price ranges. We also made our final payment of the furniture.
Sebasten then sent us back to our new house. We went up and there were 3 painters (including the 1st one whom we met earlier). After a while, we bid Sebasten farewell and we went back.
I'm so sleepy and tired... *yawn* zzz..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Photo Shoot with Yen
I woke up at 7am and went to wash up after lazing on the bed for a little. The sky looked bright and it seemed to be a nice weather for our photo shoot yeah!
I dressed up and went over to Jer's house. I had planned for us to leave Jer's house at 8am but Jer was not ready yet. So no choice but to wait for her... my little princess. =p
We left her house at 8.25am and we managed to squeeze into the MRT train. It was not an easy feat as I was holding onto my No. 1 uniform and carrying a haversack bag. We were running late and furthermore I wanted to return to my office to take my peak cap which I had forgotten to bring home yesterday...
We reached Outram MRT station at 9am. I rushed off to collect my peak cap while Jer waited for me in the station. I returned shortly and we quickly walked over to Blk 334 Kreta Ayer Road #03-09. We could not find the unit as there is no unit number on the doors. We were searching around when Jessie opened the door for us. She was waiting alone inside. Without further delay, she began her art on Jer's face.
After an hour, Yen's assistant, Candy, came into the studio. She introduced herself to us and chatted with us for a bit. Then it was my turn to beautify my face. This is the first time of my entire life that I have ever put on make-up!!! Jessie also helped to style my hair and she did a great job! Jer kept saying that the hairstyle was very nice and she was surprised when I told her Jessie had used wax on my hair instead of gel. Last time I had used wax to style my hair but Jer claimed that my hair was dull and she preferred my hair to have a wet look. So I switched to gel permanently. But she had a different opinion today, thanks to Jessie haha!
Suddenly, we could hear raindrops falling on the roof. We looked out and were dismayed by the view. It was raining cats and dogs and we were worried about the outdoors photo shoot in the afternoon... :(
Next, entered the most important person of the day! He was no other person but Yen! Yen was smaller in build than I had imagined him to be. He was very humorous and could joke about anything under the sun haha. He explained to us how he would take the photos later and told us umpteen times to be natural for the photos to turn out nice. Mandy came a while later with Jer's gowns and the hand bouquet.
We changed into our outfits and began our photo shoot. At first, we were very stiff and did not know what to do for the first few shots. Yen took pains to explain to us in details and I kindda understand what he was looking for. He would ask us to look here and there to make us move our bodies naturally and he would snap once the opportunity strikes. He showed us a few photos and we both agreed that the photos were beautifully taken. Full marks for Yen yeah!
We continued our photo shoot with another set of outfits. Jer's made-to-measure evening gown is very elegant and she looks stunning in it! Even Yen praised the design of the evening gown, and not forgetting Jer for showing the best out of the gown! That's my pretty lil gal hee! But Jer did not really know what Yen wanted and was constantly guided by Yen to pose naturally. Yen's favourite phrase is "heng jia lor" which means very fake in Mandarin. I tried to guide Jer along but I could see that she was quite tense.
Time passed without a trace and it's lunchtime already. Candy offered to buy lunch for us. I passed her a $50 note and offered to treat them lunch. Candy left and returned with our food and returned me the change. We had our lunch and Jer did not finish her food as she feared that she would not look nice in the photo shoot. Don't worry dear, no matter how you look like, you are still the dear I love most hee!
With a filled stomach, we began the second round of the photo shoot. While Yen was reviewing the photos he had taken, he commented that there was no reflection from my glasses. He got a surprise when I told him that I had removed the lens from the glasses as advised by Mandy. He had only noticed it until now haha! We continued with our photo shoot and we find that most of the poses are almost similar and Yen is trying to capture the best shots out of those poses. As it was raining heavily, we could feel that Yen was taking his time to take the shots to wait for the rain to stop.
But after he was done with our last indoor outfit, he discussed with us on what to do next. Yen was suggesting to us to come another day for the outdoors photo shoot cos the photos would look dull and gloomy without sunlight. We were pondering on the decision when Jer decided to go for it. Jer was thinking that it may also rain even on "another day" and it would be more tiring for us to return.
So we embarked on our adventurous journey to battle the rain. Deep down in our hearts, we were praying that the rain and dark clouds would go away. Rain rain go away, come again another day...
First, we went to the Singapore Arts Museum located along Bras Basah Road. Jer told me that this is the place that she had wanted to tell me about but she does not know its name and location. So Yen coincidentally chose the place which Jer likes. Just as if heaven was on our side, the rain stopped and there was some sunlight. We quickly took some photos at the place and not before long it started to rain again. Sigh...
Our next location is Sentosa. I had gotten 4 Sentosa Islander passes from my station which each pass allows free entry into Sentosa for the holder. I could have gotten another pass but I did not expect there is an additional person who is the driver. But at least, I saved some money which is better than nothing.
We went to Tanjong Beach but the sky is still gloomy and tearing away. Out of boredom, I took some pictures of Jer with my digital camera. A few minutes later, the sun was smiling down at us again and the rain also stopped abruptly. We quickly continued with our photo shoot and it ended in half an hour.
We went back to the studio to change and Yen arranged with us the appointment to select the photos. He also told us not to bring other people along as it will hinder the photos selection. So we set the date to next Sunday which is 16 Nov at 11.30am. We left the studio and I went back to my station to keep the uniform and peak cap.
After a tiring and fun day, we went home to rest. Who says photo shoot is not tough? Haa!
I dressed up and went over to Jer's house. I had planned for us to leave Jer's house at 8am but Jer was not ready yet. So no choice but to wait for her... my little princess. =p
We left her house at 8.25am and we managed to squeeze into the MRT train. It was not an easy feat as I was holding onto my No. 1 uniform and carrying a haversack bag. We were running late and furthermore I wanted to return to my office to take my peak cap which I had forgotten to bring home yesterday...
We reached Outram MRT station at 9am. I rushed off to collect my peak cap while Jer waited for me in the station. I returned shortly and we quickly walked over to Blk 334 Kreta Ayer Road #03-09. We could not find the unit as there is no unit number on the doors. We were searching around when Jessie opened the door for us. She was waiting alone inside. Without further delay, she began her art on Jer's face.
After an hour, Yen's assistant, Candy, came into the studio. She introduced herself to us and chatted with us for a bit. Then it was my turn to beautify my face. This is the first time of my entire life that I have ever put on make-up!!! Jessie also helped to style my hair and she did a great job! Jer kept saying that the hairstyle was very nice and she was surprised when I told her Jessie had used wax on my hair instead of gel. Last time I had used wax to style my hair but Jer claimed that my hair was dull and she preferred my hair to have a wet look. So I switched to gel permanently. But she had a different opinion today, thanks to Jessie haha!
Suddenly, we could hear raindrops falling on the roof. We looked out and were dismayed by the view. It was raining cats and dogs and we were worried about the outdoors photo shoot in the afternoon... :(
Next, entered the most important person of the day! He was no other person but Yen! Yen was smaller in build than I had imagined him to be. He was very humorous and could joke about anything under the sun haha. He explained to us how he would take the photos later and told us umpteen times to be natural for the photos to turn out nice. Mandy came a while later with Jer's gowns and the hand bouquet.
We changed into our outfits and began our photo shoot. At first, we were very stiff and did not know what to do for the first few shots. Yen took pains to explain to us in details and I kindda understand what he was looking for. He would ask us to look here and there to make us move our bodies naturally and he would snap once the opportunity strikes. He showed us a few photos and we both agreed that the photos were beautifully taken. Full marks for Yen yeah!
We continued our photo shoot with another set of outfits. Jer's made-to-measure evening gown is very elegant and she looks stunning in it! Even Yen praised the design of the evening gown, and not forgetting Jer for showing the best out of the gown! That's my pretty lil gal hee! But Jer did not really know what Yen wanted and was constantly guided by Yen to pose naturally. Yen's favourite phrase is "heng jia lor" which means very fake in Mandarin. I tried to guide Jer along but I could see that she was quite tense.
Time passed without a trace and it's lunchtime already. Candy offered to buy lunch for us. I passed her a $50 note and offered to treat them lunch. Candy left and returned with our food and returned me the change. We had our lunch and Jer did not finish her food as she feared that she would not look nice in the photo shoot. Don't worry dear, no matter how you look like, you are still the dear I love most hee!
With a filled stomach, we began the second round of the photo shoot. While Yen was reviewing the photos he had taken, he commented that there was no reflection from my glasses. He got a surprise when I told him that I had removed the lens from the glasses as advised by Mandy. He had only noticed it until now haha! We continued with our photo shoot and we find that most of the poses are almost similar and Yen is trying to capture the best shots out of those poses. As it was raining heavily, we could feel that Yen was taking his time to take the shots to wait for the rain to stop.
But after he was done with our last indoor outfit, he discussed with us on what to do next. Yen was suggesting to us to come another day for the outdoors photo shoot cos the photos would look dull and gloomy without sunlight. We were pondering on the decision when Jer decided to go for it. Jer was thinking that it may also rain even on "another day" and it would be more tiring for us to return.
So we embarked on our adventurous journey to battle the rain. Deep down in our hearts, we were praying that the rain and dark clouds would go away. Rain rain go away, come again another day...
First, we went to the Singapore Arts Museum located along Bras Basah Road. Jer told me that this is the place that she had wanted to tell me about but she does not know its name and location. So Yen coincidentally chose the place which Jer likes. Just as if heaven was on our side, the rain stopped and there was some sunlight. We quickly took some photos at the place and not before long it started to rain again. Sigh...
Our next location is Sentosa. I had gotten 4 Sentosa Islander passes from my station which each pass allows free entry into Sentosa for the holder. I could have gotten another pass but I did not expect there is an additional person who is the driver. But at least, I saved some money which is better than nothing.
We went to Tanjong Beach but the sky is still gloomy and tearing away. Out of boredom, I took some pictures of Jer with my digital camera. A few minutes later, the sun was smiling down at us again and the rain also stopped abruptly. We quickly continued with our photo shoot and it ended in half an hour.
We went back to the studio to change and Yen arranged with us the appointment to select the photos. He also told us not to bring other people along as it will hinder the photos selection. So we set the date to next Sunday which is 16 Nov at 11.30am. We left the studio and I went back to my station to keep the uniform and peak cap.
After a tiring and fun day, we went home to rest. Who says photo shoot is not tough? Haa!
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