Friday, December 19, 2008

Store Rack

I went to the new house slightly after 2pm. I was doing the seating plan for the wedding banquet and the weather was gloomy. I brought along the 2 big bags of Corelle kitchenware which my sister had bought as a gift for me. Thanks sis!

The delivery of the store rack was supposed to come between 3-4pm but the deliveryman called to tell me that he would be late. I continued to do the seating plan and also the program sheet. At around 4.05pm, the deliverymen came. They were done assembling the store rack in about 15 mins. I made payment and they left.

I carried on with what I was doing and the sky started to turn dark. It was already 7pm and I still haven't pack the things into the storeroom. I took some newspaper and began to lay them over the plywood. Next, I moved the cans of paint onto the rack and I placed them tactically as I fear that the weight may break the plywood. This will not happen if the boards are made of steel.. I loaded everything onto the rack and went home for dinner.

The final furniture will be the dressing table which will be Jer's Christmas present from me. It will be arriving on 29 December. The house will be completed at long last. Yes!

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